Error Messages
Component Qty Shortage
Raw materials could not be allocated. This indicates a shortage. Check that Inventory Setup allows overriding shortages (Tools >> Setup >> Inventory >> Inventory Control–Adjustment Overrides checkbox)
Component Qty Shortage #2
May be caused by the same component appearing on the Picklist multiple times, so the cumulative quantity creates a shortages. Check that Inventory Setup allows overriding shortages (Tools >> Setup >> Inventory >> Inventory Control–Adjustment Overrides checkbox)
Error building picklist
See Error creating Picklist from Import.
Error creating Picklist from Import
The most likely cause is invalid data in the MOPick table, such as a date/time value inserted into one of the Date fields.
FG Item is missing a MO Receipt Bin for Site
No Bin is specified in MOHdrOpt, and no Default Manufacturing Receipts bin is specified.
FG Item-Site Combination is not valid
The FG Item in the MOHdr table is not assigned to the Site in the MOHdr table. Check Cards >> Inventory >> Quantities/Sites.
Financial/Inventory periods closed
MORI uses the User Date. Check that Period is open for the Financial and Inventory Series (Tools >> Setup >> Company >> Fiscal Periods).
Import BOM set to FALSE but there are components to import
The ImportBOM Flag in W7158MOHdr is set to FALSE, but components exist in W7158MOPick.
Import BOM set to TRUE and a component has an invalid Item Type
Components must be Sales Inventory.
Import BOM set to TRUE and a component has an invalid U of M
The UofM for one or more components in the MOPick table has a UofM that does not exist on the UofM Schedule for the item.
Import BOM set to TRUE and a component is Inactive
Components cannot have the Inactive checkbox marked on Item Maintenance.
Import BOM set to TRUE and invalid Item Numbers exist
MOPick contains Item Numbers that do not exist in GP.
Import BOM set to TRUE and a Quantity is <= 0, or has incorrect decimal qtys
MOPick contains a negative, zero, or invalid quantity given the item’s decimals places.
Import BOM set to TRUE and serialized item quantity <> 1
Serial numbered components must have one MOPick record for each serial number, and the quantity on each line must be 1.
Import BOM set to TRUE and there are incompatible Valuation Methods
Standard Cost finished good items must have standard cost components.
Import BOM set to TRUE and there are invalid ser/lot numbers
Serial and Lot Numbers provided for Component Items must exist in GP.
Import BOM set to TRUE and there is an invalid Item-Site
The Location Code, on one or more lines in the MOPick table, either does not exist in GP or the Item is not assigned to the Site.
Import BOM set to TRUE and there are lot numbers with negative allocations in IV00300
A negative allocation is an abnormal condition that needs to be corrected. Try running Inventory Reconcile and Checklinks.
Import BOM set to TRUE and there are serial/lot shortages
The Inventory Adjustment Overrides setting does not affect serial or lot numbered components-these items must have available inventory of the specified serial/lot numbers.
Import BOM set to TRUE but there are no components
MOHdr ImportBOM is TRUE, but there are no records in the MOPick table.
Import Routing is set to FALSE but there are import routing sequences
The ImportRoute flag is FALSE in the MOHdr table, but there are routing sequences to import in the MORouting table.
Import Routing is set to TRUE and there are invalid Routing Sequences
There are records in the MORouting table, but there are sequences that do NOT exist on the Item’s Primary Routing (the MORouting table can provide time values for existing routing sequences, but it cannot be used to import/create new sequences).
Import Routing is set to TRUE but there are no import sequences
The MOHdr ImportRoute field is set to true, but there are no records in the MORouting table.
Inventory Setup must allow Adjustment Overrides
MORI operates on the assumption that if the product was produced, there must have been enough inventory to produce it. So, if there is a shortage in GP, it should be overridden to allow production. Check that Inventory Setup allows adjustment overrides (Tools >> Setup >> Inventory >> Inventory Control–Adjustment Overrides checkbox).
Item Engineering record does not exist for FG item
Check that the made Item has an Item Engineering Records (Cards >> Manufacturing >> Inventory >> Engineering Data).
Item Number does not exist, or is Inactive/Discontinued
The MOHdr Item Number does not exist in GP, or is Inactive or Discontinued on Item Maintenance.
Item Number is blank
The Item Number in the MOHdr table is blank. When doing a receipt of an existing MO, Item Number does not need to be provided because it is pulled from the MO. Normally this error is only seen when MORI is creating MOs and posting them in one step, and the Item Number is missing.
MFG BOM does not exist
If not importing the Picklist, and no BOM is specified in MOHdrOpt, the MFG BOM must exist. Check Cards >> Manufacturing >> Bill Of Materials.
MFG BOM is locked
If not importing the Picklist, and no BOM is specified in MOHdrOpt, MORI will use the MFG BOM. This error means the MFG BOM is open in BOM Maintenance, or there is a stranded BOM Security record (Transactions >> Manufacturing >> Bill of Materials >> Security).
mmopAllocateAll Error
A manufacturing procedure called mmopAllocateAll sometimes reports an error condition that indicates an MFG Component Transaction “Allocation” transaction was NOT created when in fact it did create the transaction and allocate inventory for at least some of the items on the Picklist. The complete error message is as follows: “mmopAllocateAll error (#). Reverse Allocate PickDoc XXXX”.
# = error number. Error code returned by the GP Manufacturing module.
XXXX = PickDoc Number. Reverse Allocate this Pick Document, then manually post the MO Receipt.
MO has activity. Receipt cannot be created.
Several actions in GP can cause this error, such as:
The MO has a Status > Released (3)
The MO has Issue, Reverse Issue transactions (only Allocate & Reverse Allocate transaction are allowed) when doing a Single Receipt. If doing partial receipts, the MO cannot have ANY MFG Component Transactions.
The MO cannot have previously posted Receipts.
The MO cannot have WIP or Outsourcing when posting partial receipts.
MO is not Released. Receipt cannot be created
Receipts for existing MOs can only be created if the MO is in a Released status.
MO Number already exists
The MO Number in the MOHdr table already exists in the Work Order Master (WO010032), and the MORI option to Allow Receipts On Existing MOs is not marked.
MOHdrOpt: BOM is locked
The MOHdrOpt table specifies a BOM, but the BOM is open in BOM Maintenance, or there is a stranded BOM Security record (Transactions >> Manufacturing >> Bill of Materials >> Security).
MOHdrOpt: Invalid BOM
The MOHdrOpt table specifies a BOM, but it does not exist.
MOHdrOpt: Invalid or missing Bin for Site
MORI uses the Default Manufacturing Receipts bin, unless a Bin is specified in the MOHdrOpt table. This error means that either no Bin is present in either of those locations, or the Bin in MOHdrOpt is not valid for the finished good site.
MOHdrOpt: Invalid Scheduling Preference
The MOHdrOpt table specifies a Scheduling Preference, but it does not exist. Check Scheduling Preferences in Tools >> Setup >> Manufacturing >> System Defaults >> MO Schedule Prefs.
MOHdrOpt: Routing Name does not exist
The MOHdrOpt table specifies a Routing Name that does not exist.
No Lot Number provided
The finished good is Lot Controlled, but no lot number is provided in MOHdr.
Picklist has an invalid Item-Site
The imported Picklist either contains a Location Code that does not exist as a valid site in GP, or it is blank. When importing the Picklist the site must either be provided in the import table, or the Draw From Site will be used from the Scheduling Preference. If a Scheduling Preference is not provided in the MO Header Options table, the Default Scheduling Preference will be used.
Picklist has floor stock items, but Floor Stock Expense account is missing
The Floor Stock Expense Account is set in the Manufacturing Order Preference Defaults window (Tools >> Setup >> Manufacturing >> System Defaults >> Manufacturing Orders).
Post-To Site is not valid
MOHdr Location Code does not exist as a valid site. Check Cards >> Inventory >> Site.
Primary Routing does not exist
The Routing is not imported, and MOHdrOpt does not specify an Routing Name to use, and no Primary Routing could be found.
QTY is less than or equal to ZERO
The finish good quantity in the MOHdr table must be greater than zero.
Rct Qty <> Qty of Serial Numbers
When receiving serial numbers, there should be one receipt line (quantity of 1) for each serial number produced. Check that the quantity in MOHdr is 1.
Receipt Qty is not compatible with the Item’s Qty Decimals
The MOHdr quantity has value in decimals, such as 1.25, when the Item has zero quantity decimals (for example).
Serial/Lot Numbers provided for a non-SN Item
The finished good item is NOT serial or lot tracked, but the Serial/Lot Number field is populated in MOHdr.
SN Exists
The finished good serial number provided in the MOHdr table already exists in GP. You cannot produce a duplicate serial number.