MORI can process with receipts with By-Products on non-serial/lot tracked components. A By-Product in GP Manufacturing is an inventory item that is ADDED to stock when an MO Receipt is posted for a finished good item.
By-Products are common when processing a natural raw material such as wood. The MO might produce boards, but there other useful materials come out of that processing such as chips and saw dust (fines).
The sample data in Fabrikam does not have a good example of this, however, you can demonstrate it by having an MO for CHAIR which consumes LEG and has a by-product of ARM. A By-product is created by adding a component to the picklist with a NEGATIVE quantity. When Manufacturing posts the MO Receipt and creates the Inventory Adjustment to consume raw materials, it puts the by-product on the transaction in a POSITIVE quantity, as shown below:
To use by-products with MORI you need to set the ImportBOM flag in the MOHdr table to 1, and populate the MOPick table with all of the components consumed by the MO. Also add to the MOPick table any by-products setting the Quantity to a negative value, as shown below:
NOTE: MORI only supports by-products for non-serial/lot tracked items.