Serial/Lot Numbers
One Step
With a One Step process, Serial/Lot Numbers must be provided.
For Lot Numbered items, the Lot Number can be provided in MOHdr (SERLTNUM) if there is one Lot Number for the Receipt. If a Receipt produces multiple Lot Numbers, they are recorded in the MOLot table (this table can also be used when receiving a single Lot Number). Do not put lot numbers in both the MOHdr and MOLot tables. The integrated Lot Numbers are allowed to already exist in GP.
For Serial Numbered items, if the MO Receipt is for a quantity of 1, the serial number can be provided in MOHdr (SERLTNUM), or in the MOSer table. When the receipt is for more than one serial number, they must be provided in the MOSer table. Serial Numbers must not already exist in GP. MORI checks for duplicate serial numbers and will report this as an error.
Two Step
With a Two Step Receipt, the MO is created in GP before the receipt is generated.
The MO Entry window in GP allows for pre-entering a Lot Number, or a list of Serial Numbers. MORI will pull this information into the MORI Receipt tables if present.
If there is a pre-entered Lot Number on the Manufacturing Order it will be pulled into the MOHdr SERLTNUM field if the MOHdr field is empty. Do not populate SERLTNUM in MOHdr and also populate the MOLot table. If you populate the MOLot table leave the MOHdr SERLTNUM field blank.
If there are pre-entered serial numbers, the following steps occur:
- If MOHdr SERLTNUM is populated it removes the serial number from the MO Pre-Entered Serial Numbers – it stops at this point. A serial number in the MOHdr assumes you are receiving a quantity of 1.
- If MOSer is populated it removes those serial numbers from the MO Pre-Entered Serial Numbers
- If the MO Receipt Quantity is greater than the number of serial numbers in MOSer, it copies the needed quantity from the Pre-Entered Serial Numbers to the MOSer table and removes them from the Pre-Entered Serial Numbers list.
Lot Numbered Finished Goods
MORI checks WO010032.LOTNUMBER. If one is present, and W7158MOHdr.SERLTNUM is empty, it copies the Lot Number from WO010032 to W7158MOHdr. If W7158MOHdr.SERLTNUM is empty, it checks W7158MOLot. DO NOT put a Lot Number in both W7158MOHdr and W7158MOLot—use one or the other.
Serial Numbered Finished Goods
MORI can be provided with a single serial number in W7158MOHdr, or multiple serial numbers in W7158MOSer.
MORI checks that the provided serial numbers, if any, are NOT in MOP1042 (MO Pre-Entered Serial Numbers). If they are, it removes them from MOP1042. This prevents the Inventory Module from detecting a duplicate serial number when MORI attempts to post the receipt.
If no serial numbers are provided in the MOSer table, it checks if there are pre-entered serial numbers in MOP1042. If there are, it moves into W7158MOSer the quantity of serial numbers needed by the receipt. For example, if the MO is for 10, and 2 are being received, it moves the first two serials from MOP1042 into W7158MOSer. They are removed from MOP1042 and added to W7158MOSer. Likewise, if the receipt is for 10, it moves over 10 serials.
In the event the quantity of pre-entered serials is less than the receipt quantity, MORI will not process the receipt and will report a serial number shortage.
MORI can auto-select serial/lot numbers for components.
If you are importing a picklist (ImportBOM = TRUE) you can either:
- Not provide ANY serial/lot numbers for serial/lot tracked components and let MORI will auto-select them.
- Provide ALL serial/lot numbers for any serial/lot tracked components.
You cannot do both at the same time on one MO Receipt. The receipt must either bring in no serial/lot numbers for serial/lot tracked components, or it must provide all serial/lot numbers for all serial/lot tracked components.