MOGenV2 Excel Map
The Excel file must have Column Headers (data should start in Row #2). All fields that are not required may be left blank (empty) in the spreadsheet. Whether or not a field is Updateable will depend on the current MO Status of the MO. See MOGenV2 – Updating Fields for more information.
Col | Name | Updateable | Notes |
A | MO Number | NO | MO Number is required if Rescheduling, Rebuilding Picklist, Creating Child MOs, creating MOP-SOP Links, or performing field updates.
When creating new MOs if the MO Number is provided it must not exist in GP. This field can be blank (empty) when creating MOs. If it is empty, it will be assigned the next MO Number using the MO Doc Type setting on the MO Generator window (it uses either the GP Manufacturing “next MO number” or it uses WilloWare’s MO Doc Types in MFG PowerPack). MO Number will be truncated at 30-characters and converted to upper case. |
B | Item Number | NO | Item Number is required when creating MOs.
The Item Number must exist in GP. Item Number will be truncated at 30-characters and converted to upper case. |
C | Start Qty | YES | If provided, the value must be compatible with the Item Quantity Decimals setting of the Item Number.
If you submit a Start Qty change you should also set the RebuildPicklist and RescheduleMO flags. |
D | End Qty | YES | End Qty is required when creating MOs.
If provided, the value must be compatible with the Item Quantity Decimals setting of the Item Number. If you submit an End Qty change you should also set the RebuildPicklist and RescheduleMO flags. |
E | Start Date | YES | Start Date is required when creating MOs using Forward Infinite scheduling.
If Start Date and End Date are provided, Start Date must be on or before Due Date. If you submit a Start Date change you should also set the RebuildPicklist and RescheduleMO flags. |
F | End Date | YES | End Date is required when creating MOs using Backward Infinite scheduling.
If Start Date and End Date are provided, Start Date must be on or before Due Date. If you submit an End Date change you should also set the RebuildPicklist and RescheduleMO flags. End Date is called “Due Date” on the MO Entry window. |
G | Draw From | YES | Site where raw materials are consumed from. If provided, it must exist as a Location Code in Dynamics GP.
If you submit a Draw From change you should also set the RebuildPicklist and RescheduleMO flags. Draw From will be truncated at 10 characters and converted to upper case. |
H | Post To | YES | Site where the Finished Good is received into. If provided, it must exist as a Location Code in Dynamics GP and be valid for the finished good Item Number.
If you submit a Post To change you should also set the RebuildPicklist and RescheduleMO flags. Draw From will be truncated at 10 characters and converted to upper case. |
I | SchedPref | YES | Scheduling Preference can be used to drive the setting of the Schedule Method, Draw From and Post To sites. If provided it must exist in the Schedule Preference master in Dynamics GP. Submitting a SchedPref change will update SchedMtd, DrawFrom and PostTo on the MO. If any, or all, of these values are different than what is currently on the MO, you should also set the RebuildPicklist and RescheduleMO flags.
You should create a Default Scheduling Preference that has Draw From and Post To sites. This will ensure MOGen V2 can create new MOs using default setup information. |
J | SchedMtd | YES | Valid Scheduling Method values are:
If you submit a SchedMtd change you should also set the RebuildPicklist and RescheduleMO flags. |
K | Routing Name | YES | Routing Name must exist in the Routing Entry window for the finished good Item Number.
Routing Name will be truncated at 30 characters and converted to upper case. If you submit a Routing Name change you should also set the RebuildPicklist and RescheduleMO flags. |
L | BOM Cat | YES | BOM Category and BOM Name must be used together. See BOM Name for details.
Valid BOM Categories are:
BOM Cat is called “BOM Type” on the Bill of Materials Entry window but is the BOMCAT_I field in the MFG Tables. |
M | BOM Name | YES | Required if BOM Type is 3 or 4.
If you submit a BOMCat/BOMName change you should also set the RebuildPicklist and RescheduleMO flags. |
N | Description | YES | Description will be truncated at 30 characters. Submitting a Description change will replace the existing MO Description. |
O | MOStatus | YES | Valid MO Status values are:
New MOs can be created as Quote, Open or Released. The default MO Status is Open. If you submit an MOStatus change you should also set the RebuildPicklist and RescheduleMO flags. If Manufacturing setup specifies that inventory should be allocated when MO Status is changed to Released, running RescheduleMO and RebuildPicklist will trigger creation of the Allocation transaction. NOTE: there are a large number of rules regarding allowed changes of MO Status. Please read the MOGen V2-Updates section. |
P | MOPriority | YES | Valid values are:
The default MO Priority is Medium. |
Q | SOPNumber | NO | SOPNumber, SOPType, Line Item Seq and Component Seq are required to create a MOP-SOP Link. The combination of fields must link to a valid SOP Line (SOP10200) that has a Backordered Quantity (for Order or Invoice) or the document is a Quote or Backorder.
SOP Number will be truncated at 20 characters and converted to upper case. To create a MOP-SOP Link the MO must have available quantity to link, and you cannot link a quantity greater than the MO Quantity. MOGenV2 cannot break or change a link once it is created, but you can do so through the GP user interface. See MOGenV2 – MOP_SOP Link for more information. |
R | SOP Type | NO | See SOP Number.
Valid Values are:
S | Line Item Seq | NO | See SOP Number |
T | Component Seq | NO | See SOP Number |
U | Update Existing | NO | Valid values
0-False 1-True See MOGenV2 – Updates for more information |
V | Rebuild Picklist | NO | Valid values
0-False 1-True See MOGenV2 – Rebuild Picklist for more information |
W | Reschedule MO | NO | Valid values
0-Do not reschedule 1-Rebuild Working Routing from Planning Routing and reschedule 2-Reschedule existing Working Routing See MOGenV2 – Reschedule MO for more information |
X | Create ChildMO | NO | Valid values
0-False 1-True See MOGenV2 – Create Child MO for more information |
Y | Text Field | YES | Up to 32000 characters of text can be provided in the Text Field. This will be APPENDED to the MO Note. When performing multiple updates over time, it can be useful to provide a short description of each update in the TextField. Each update will be appended to the existing note to create a log of changes on the MO. |