MOGenV2 Updates
See the Excel Map or Table Map for fields that can be updated. Whether or not the field can be updated, or an given operation performed, depends on the CURRENT status of the MO in the Work Order Master (WO010032).
Note the MOGenV2 allows updates to the MO Description and Note at all statuses. This is not normally allowed through the GP User Interface, but changing this information has no impact on a Completed MO (for example) but it may be useful for providing information to users about the status of an integration.
If “Activity” has been recorded on the MO, changing MO Status, Rebuilding Picklist, Rescheduling the MO, and creating MOP-SOP Links are NOT allowed. Activity includes posting a Issue transaction, recording WIP labor or machine, or presence of an Outsourced PO or Shipment.
MOGenV2 Updates largely mimics the Manufacture Order Entry window logic. There are several changes where it warns that you should Rebuild Picklist and Reschedule MO, but it does not force it to happen. However, for most of the field changes you should always set the RebuildPL and RescheduleMO flags.
The following rules are applied to the field updates allowed at each MO Status:
- All Changes Allowed
OPEN (2)
- All Changes Allowed
- Only: MO Status, Scheduling Method, Start Qty, End Qty, MO Priority, Start Date, End Date, Description, Note, MOP-SOP Link, Rebuild Picklist, Reschedule MO, Create Child MO
HOLD (4)
- Only: MO Status, Scheduling Method, Start Qty, End Qty, MO Priority, Start Date, End Date, Description, Note, Reschedule MO
- Only: Start Date, End Date, Description, Note, Reschedule MO
- Only: Description, Note
- Only: Description, Note
The Field Updates are listed below in the order by which they are processed in the software.
Scheduling Preference
Field Updates checks the Scheduling Preference first because changing the Scheduling Preference can also change the Scheduling Method (Forward/Backward) and the DrawFrom/PostTo sites.
- The Scheduling Preference must exist in GP
- If the Draw From Site on the Scheduling Preference is different than the Draw From on the MO, the MO will be changed to the new Draw From. This also triggers the DrawFrom Site logic to run (see below).
- If the Post To Site on the Scheduling Preference is different than the Post To on the MO, the MO will be changed to the new Post To. This also triggers the PostTo Site logic to run (see below).
Scheduling Method
The Scheduling Method must be 1 or 2 (Forward or Backward).
End Qty and Post To
End Qty and Post To are processed together if either value is changed. A change to either one of these forces a recalculation of the Start Qty to account for Shrinkage settings on the Item-Site. The rules below apply if the value has been changed (i.e. the End Qty checks only apply if End Qty changed).
- End Qty must be greater than zero
- End Qty must be compatible with the finished good Item’s Quantity Decimal Place setting
- If the MO is linked to a Sales Line, the End Qty cannot be less than the quantity linked to the Sales Line
- The Post To site must be a valid Location Code in GP
- The Post To site must be assigned to the finished good item (there must be an Item-Site record)
- If a change to either End Qty or Post To is allowed, it triggers the Start Qty logic to run (see below)
Start Qty
- Start Qty must be greater than zero
- Start Qty must be valid for the finished good Item’s Quantity Decimal Place setting
Start Date
- If Start Date comes after End Date, and End Date is not 1/1/1900, it sets Start Date to End Date. This check applies only to the imported values, not the values on the MO. If you import both Start and End Dates then Start Date has to be the same, or before, End Date.
- NOTE: Manufacturing allows changing the Start Date to be after the Due Date
End Date
- If End Date comes before Start Date, and Start Date is not 1/1/1900, it sets End Date to Start Date. This check applies only to the imported values, not the values on the MO. If you import both Start and End Dates then Start Date has to be the same, or before, End Date.
- NOTE: Manufacturing allows changing the End Date to be after the In House Due Date on a linked Sales Line (MOP-SOP Link).
Draw From
- Draw From must be a valid Location Code in GP
- NOTE: The Draw From is not validated against the Items on the Picklist until an attempt is made to build/rebuild the Picklist. At that point Item-Site errors will be reported and prevent building/rebuilding the Picklist.
Routing Name
- The Routing must exist in the Routing Sequence Entry window for the finished good item
- The Routing must be in a RELEASED status on the Routing Header Creation window
BOM Cat and BOM Name
BOM Category is labeled as “BOM Type” on the Bill of Materials Entry window, but the “BOM Type” dropdown list from that window is stored in the BOMCAT_I (BOM Cat) field in the manufacturing tables.
- BOMCat and BOMName must be changed together. For example, if the MO is using an Archived BOM (BOMCat = 3) you cannot change just the BOMName by importing only the BOMName. The import must include BOMCat = 3 and the new BOMName.
- BOMCat > 4 is not allowed (BOMCat = 5 is Super BOM)
- If BOMCat = 3 (Archived) or BOMCat = 4 (Configured) the BOMName must be provided
- The BOMCat/BOMName combination must exist in the Bill of Materials Entry window for the finished good item
Description can always be changed.
MO Status
- MO Status cannot be changed to Partially Received (7)
- MO Status cannot be changed from Partially Received (7) to any other value other than Complete (6)
- If the MO has a Partial Purge date set no changes can be made
- MO Status cannot be changed from Quote(1), Open(2), Hold(4), or Canceled (5) to Complete (6)
- If the MO is already at MO Status of Complete (8), no change to MO Status is allowed
- If the new MO Status is Released (3) but the MO has not been Scheduled, change to Released is not allowed
- If the existing MO Status is Released (3) and the MO has been Issued, or has a PO or Shipments, or has Labor or Machine data collection, no change to MO Status is allowed
- If the existing MO Status is Hold (4) or Canceled (5), no change is allowed if there are linked POs or Shipments
- If the above checks do not produce an error, a MOP Activity Record is recorded for the Status Change. It will delete the existing CRP (Capacity Requirements Planning) data. It will also force a RebuildPicklist and RescheduleMO to occur.
MO Priority
- MO Priority must be 1, 2 or 3 (High, Medium, Low)
Note Text
If the Text Field is not empty it will be appended to the existing MO Note. If a note is not present, it will create one. The Note Text can be used to provide a log of changes to the MO, or to provide updates for users regarding the MO.