Lot Numbers (W7158MOLot)

Lot Numbers (W7158MOLot)

If the MO Receipt is for a Lot Numbered item, add one record per Lot Number to this table.  If this table is used, the SERLTNUM field in W7158MOHdr should not be used. See Using MORI: Serial/Lot Numbers for more information.

Column Description
MANUFACTUREORDER_I This column is a Key for the table.

30-character, upper-case string.

The Manufacturing Order Number must be entered. A corresponding record in the W7158MOHdr must exist.

SEQUENCE1 This column is the Key for the table.


This should match the SEQUENCE1 column in MOHdr.

LOTNUMBR This column in the Key for the table.

20-character, upper-case string.

QUANTITY The Quantity must be compatible with the Item’s Quantity Decimals setting.
LOTATRB1 10-character
LOTATRB2 10-character
LOTATRB3 10-character
LOTATRB4 Date, may be 1900-01-01
LOTATRB5 Date, may be 1900-01-01
MFGDATE Date, may be 1900-01-01
EXPNDATE Date, may be 1900-01-01