

Software Requirements:

  • Microsoft Dynamics GP with Manufacturing
  • Preactor (Standard, Professional, Ultimate)

Other Requirements:

  • Preactor Integration and Preactor communicate by passing CSV files. While Dynamics GP and Preactor do not need to be on the same computer, they usually are. At a minimum Dynamics GP and Preactor both need access to a shared network folder where the CSV files can be created and updated. Both client computers (or Windows User IDs) need full read/write permissions on the network folder.
  • See Dynamics GP documentation for the Hardware and Software Requirements needed for Dynamics GP.
  • See the Preactor documentation for the Hardware and Software Requirements needed for Preactor.

Installation and configuration of Preactor Integration should be performed by a qualified Dynamics GP reseller.

Installation and configuration of Preactor should be performed by a certified Preactor partner.

Setup of Preactor Integration will be determined by your implementation of Preactor. If no restriction criteria are provided, Preactor Integration will export all Manufacturing Orders that are not currently locked and are not Complete or Closed.

In addition to considering which Manufacturing Orders to export, the implementation should also consider what data will be helpful to scheduling and planning in Preactor. The Preactor Integration export file is created from a SQL view called wvPreactor, which pulls together a large amount of information from the Work Order Master, Working Routing, Item Master, Item Quantities Master, and Item Engineering tables.