

HelpID: 622322008

Navigation: Tools >> Utilities >> Manufacturing >> Preactor Integration Setup

Use the Preactor Integration Setup window to create Integration definitions. You will need at least one Integration. If you have multiple facilities, you might create one Integration for each Site. Or you might create separate Integrations by Planner ID, or even Item Class.

An Integration defines a set of criteria by which Manufacturing Orders are selected to send to Preactor.

The end user who runs the integration does not need access to the Setup window—they will just select and Integration ID and run the export or import.

Integration ID: a 15-character identifier for the integration. This ID will be used in the Export and Import windows to select which Integration to run, and allows the system to identify file locations, and restriction criteria. It will also appear in the MO Activity window (Transactions >> Manufacturing >> Security) in the User ID column when MOs are exported by Preactor Integration.

Description: provide a brief description of the Integration.

MO Export: the path and file name that will be created when Exporting manufacturing orders. This must be a CSV file.

BOM Export: depending on your version of Preactor, you may have the ability to incorporate BOM information into your scheduling. If so, provide a path and file name for the BOM Export. This must be a CSV file.

Inventory Export: depending on your version of Preactor, you may have the ability to include Available Inventory and Purchase Orders into your scheduling. If so, provide a path and file name for the Inventory Export. This must be a CSV file. If a file name is provided here, during the export process a separate Inventory Export will generated. It will contain:

    • Available Inventory for the Made Items on the MO’s included in the export, in the Post To Site from those MOs. So if the MO Export includes an MO for 100XLG where the Post To is SOUTH, the inventory export will include Available Inventory for 100XLG in SOUTH.
    • Available Inventory for the first-level BOM components for the Made Items on the MOs included in the MO Export, using the Draw From Site on the MO.
    • Quantity on PO for the Made Items on the MOs included in the MO Export, where the PO Site is the same as the MO’s Post To Site.
    • Quantity on PO for the first-level BOM components for the Made Items on the MOs included in the MO Export, where the PO Site is the same as the MO’s Draw From Site.

Preactor Import: provide a path and file name for the file that will be received from Preactor. Normally this will be called OrdersOut.csv. This must be a CSV file.

Query Builder: This is the default Query Type. The three fields below Query Type are the “Fields” list, Operator list, and Value. Value fills with options appropriate for the selected Field. For example, when Priority is selected, Value contains High, Medium and Low.

If no restriction criteria are added, all Manufacturing Orders will be included in the Export. The only restriction that is always present is that Closed and Complete status orders are never included. The following statuses are included:

    • Quote/Estimate
    • Open
    • Released
    • Hold
    • Canceled
    • Partially Received

After selecting a Field, Operator and Value, click ADD. Plan your restrictions carefully, as a single restriction cannot be removed. The CLEAR button removes all restrictions, and you need to start again.

SQL Query: Preactor Integration can use a tSQL Query to build the Order Export. The only requirement is that one of the columns in the query must be Manufacturing Order (MANUFACTUREORDER_I). There will be other requirements so that the export includes enough data for Preactor, such as routing sequence, work center, and start/stop times. Some key tables that might be used are:

    • wvPreactor – this is an SQL view created by Preactor Integration which is used by the Query Builder. This view includes columns from the Work Order Master, Working Routing, Item Master, and more. It is a good starting place for building a custom query.
    • Work Order Master (WO010032)
    • Working Routing (WR010130)
    • Item Master (IV00101)

When the SQL Query is used, Preactor Integration will execute whatever SQL script is entered. This is potentially dangerous! The script could contain tSql to drop tables, rename objects, or other statements that could severely damage the database. To help provide some protection, the SQL Query option can only be selected by “SA” or “DYNSA”.

Make sure you have appropriate security on this window to ensure only trusted users can access it.