Company Dictionary
HelpID: 525822016
Navigation: Tools >> Setup >> Company >> Company Dictionary
SpellCheck uses a web-service to perform automatic spelling correction. If you have terminology that is specific to your business or industry, and those terms are being incorrectly identified by SpellCheck, you can maintain a list of words that should be ignored by the SpellCheck routine.
Although the window allows upper and lower case, SpellCheck always checks this list comparing the suspect word against the dictionary in upper case.
The dictionary is stored in the Company Database in a table called W5258Words. If you need to load a large number of words, you can import them directly into this table.
When SpellCheck identifies misspelled words, the user will see them in the Corrections window. That window gives them the ability to “suggest” that words be added to the Company Dictionary. The Count field tracks the number of times the word has been suggested. User ID and Date are recorded for the first user to suggest the word.
Suggested Words can be added to the Company Dictionary by clicking the Plus button. Suggestions that you do not wish to add can be cleared by clicking the Delete All button.