Summary of Requirement
ACMECO uses lot numbered inventory in Dynamics GP. While the main transaction windows in GP can use any unit of measure from the Item’s Unit of Measure Schedule, the Lot Number selection windows are all in the base unit of measure. Most of ACME’s transactions are conducted using a unit other than base, so users need to constantly perform conversions from the base when selecting lots.
A solution is desired that allows the user to select/enter lot quantities in the transaction unit of measure.
The following windows should be addressed:
- PO Receipts
- Sales Transaction Entry
- Inventory Adjustments
- Stock Count Entry
ACMECO uses a 3rd party catch weight module from Trinity which provides alternate windows for Sales Lot Number Entry and Stock Count Lot Number Entry.
These requirements apply only to a certain group of items that will be identified by a 1 in the Warranty Days field (Item Maintenance >> Options).
Design Specification
View design specification DS0289