MFG PowerPack 2025-01-15

Release Date: 15-JAN-2025
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MFG PowerPack Build: 15.252
* Serial Number Mass Entry: (1) added PASTE button. This new paste routine can handle over 1 million serial numbers. Copying from a source and using the PASTE button is about 4x faster than importing from Excel.  (2) redesigned window to focus on PASTE button rather than paste-to-textbox.

CompleteCount 2024-12-30

Release Date: 30-DEC-2024
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
CompleteCount Build: 5.64
* Updates for GP18.7
* Submit Tags: fixed an issue with serial/lot numbers where the variance quantity calculations would be incorrect if the total quantity was correct but mix of serial/lots changes (i.e. for the came item, add SN1 remove SN2, or add +1 LotA and remove -1 LotB.)
* Mass Add: Item Inactive flag, Site Quantity and Bin Quantity are now available as selection criteria when adding item-site/bin records to a Stock Count (i.e. only add bins that have inventory).
* Build Stock Count: this new window replaces CompleteCount’s use of the GP Stock Count Schedule window. Build Stock Count is significantly faster than the GP Stock Count Schedule and has additional features for working with a Stock Count. Do not use the GP Stock Count Schedule window when CompleteCount is installed.
* Post Stock Count: this new window replaces CompleteCount’s use of the GP Stock Count Entry window. Post Stock Count is significantly faster than the GP Stock Count Entry window and has additional features for working with a Stock Count. It brings Reason Codes and Distribution Accounts to the front so they are easier to enter/edit. Do not use the GP Stock Count Entry window when CompleteCount is installed.
* FULL PROCESS INSTALLATION REQUIRED: The updates are backwards compatible to all versions of GP from 2013 up.


LeanMFG 2024-12-17

Release Date: 17-DEC-2024
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
LeanMFG Build: 5.68
* MO Doc Types: Added several new options:(1) MPP Add item: Combine same component quantities, (2) Order Date: Set to User Date when created, (3) Order Date: Lock Field, (4) Document Date: Set to User Date when posting, (5) Document Date: Lock Field, (6) GL Post Date: Set to User Date when posting, (7) GL Post Date: Lock Field

MOGenerator 2024-12-12

Release Date:12-DEC-2024
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MOGenerator Build: 11.144
* MOGenV2: changed datatype of RescheduleMO from boolean to integer. This field now supports three inputs: 0 = do not reschedule, 1 = rebuild working routing and reschedule, 2 = reschedule without rebuild
* FULL PROCESS INSTALLATION REQUIRED: The installation routine alters the W7158MOGen2 table to change the RescheduleMO datatype from tinyint (GP boolean) to smallint (GP integer).

GPPowerPack 2024-12-05

Release Date: 5-DEC-2024
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
GP PowerPack Build: 9.185
* Shortage Inquiry: addressed errors caused by user closing the window while it was attempting to display results (#202401663)
* FAST Sales Serial Entry: addressed issue where the “sort by” set to “serial number” would cause the “Available Serials” selection criteria to not alter the list of available serials or the Auto-Select routine. Available Serials restrictions and Auto-Select worked fine when “sort by” was set to “Date Received” (#202401662)

MFGPowerPack 2024-12-04

Release Date: 4-DEC-2024
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MFG PowerPack Build: 15.250
* Vendor Pricing: addressed the following issue-a PO is released for 10, then 8 are recevied and no more will be received, instead of cancelling the remaining 2 on the PO the user changes the QTY Ordered from 10 to 8. This caused Vendor Pricing to flip the Unit Cost to zero, which then resulted in an error loop from GP that the Unit Cost could not be changed. Vendor Pricing will now be inactive for a PO Line once any quantity has been received (#202401655).

GPPowerPack 2024-12-01

Release Date: 2-DEC-2024
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
GP PowerPack Build: 9.184
* NEW TWEAKS: (1) TWK-SOP: Email Editable In History, (2) TWK-RM: Email Editable In History, (3) TWK-POP: Email Editable In History. All three enable editing in the Email Detail Entry window when resending historical documents. This allows manually changing email addresses and refreshing them by pulling the defaults from the Customer or Vendor Setup.

MFGPowerPack 2024-11-25

Release Date: 25-NOV-2024
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MFG PowerPack Build: 15.249
* NEW: WW MFG Lead Times Utility: this utility replaces the GP Manufacturing Lead Times window. It runs significantly faster than the core GP Lead Times utility. It also adds reporting of which Item-Site lead times were updated, creates a historical before/after snapshot, has the ability to update specific Item-Sites separately based on Site-Specific Routings, and has Lead Time Batch that stores a list of Item-Site-Routing so you can easily run updates on subsets of records. It also addresses a couple of bugs present in the core GP utility.

Run the utility for one item, all items, or a Batch.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

The Lead Time Batch contains a list of Item-Site-Routing Name.  The utility performs Item-Site specific lead time calculations using the Routing assigned for each Site.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

MFG PowerPack Lead Time Utility

Price $1800 Manual

The Lead Times Utility calculates the Manufacturing Fixed and Variable Lead Times shown on the Item Resource Planning window. The WilloWare utility has several important improvements over the similar utility provided in the Manufacturing Module:

  • It is significantly faster because it only updates Item-Site records where the lead times have changed (the MFG utility updates all records even if there is no change). Also, the WilloWare utility runs completely in SQL while the MFG utility primarily is dexterity.
  • It supports assigning a Routing to each Item-Site record which it uses to perform Item-Site specific updates (the MFG utility updates all Item-Sites to the same value using the Primary Routing).
  • It generates a report after the utility runs shows the before and after values on the records it updated (the MFG utility provides no feedback).
  • It tracks all changes (before and after values) in a history table along with the Date and User (the MFG utility just performs the mass update).
  • It correctly handles Quantity Next Start and Parallel Sequences (the MFG utility has bugs in how it handles routings that use either or both of those features).

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

The Lead Times Utility can update one item, all items, or specific item-sites using a Lead Time Batch.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

Calculate Manufacturing Lead Times


Keywords: Mfg Fixed Lead Time, Mfg Variable Lead Time

Some quick facts:

  • It looks at the Primary Routing for each made item.
  • It does not explode the BOM and calculate the TOTAL lead time to make a top-level item as-if all of the subassemblies need to be made.
  • It updates the two lead times fields on each Item-Site where the replenishment method is NOT “buy”.
  • When calculating all items it uses the Item Engineering table.  If an item is not in the table it will not be updated.

To see the total lead time to make an item, look at WilloWare’s Lead Time Inquiry in MFG PowerPack. Lead Time Inquiry calculates the total time needed to make an item and can include (or not) usage of available inventory of both make and buy items.  If available inventory is excluded the lead time includes purchasing all buy items in the assembly and making all subassemblies.

The calculation performed by the Manufacturing Lead Times window is provided below.  The first few sections describe where the data is coming from, the calculations are at the end.

ITEM ENGINEERING: Average Quantity.  If the field has a value other than zero it uses that value, otherwise it uses 1.  If you calculate all items the utility runs through all records in the Item Engineering table, which means if you have incomplete setup (i.e a missing record in Item Engineering) the item will not be updated by the utility.

AvgQty = Average Quantity

ROUTING: It gets the routing sequences for the item’s Primary Routing.  For clarity we are leaving out information about how it handles parallel routing sequences, suffice to say the calculations below are applied (see note at the end about parallel routing sequences).

QNS = Qty Next Start

PNS = Percent Next Start

QT = Queue Time

ST = Setup Time

CT = Cycle Time

MT = Move Time

WORK CENTER: It gets the Work Center record using the Work Center ID and the first record with an Effective Date <= User Date.  Note that the User Date can be set to a date that is not the current date and that could cause the lead times to be updated using previous Work Center setup.

HPS = Hours Per Shift

NS = Number of Shifts


PctComplete = 1

IF: QNS > 0 THEN PctComplete = PNS/AVGQty

ELSE IF: PNS > 0 and PNS < 1000.0 THEN PctComplete = PNS/1000.0

* Dividing by 1000 is correct, it has to do with how GP stores the data

If QNS and PNS are zero, PctComplete stays 1. PctComplete is used later in the calculations below.  NOTE: the calculation when QNS > 0 is incorrect, this is a bug.  It should be:

IF: QNS > 0 THEN PctComplete = QNS/AVGQty

ELSE IF: PNS > 0 and PNS < 1000.0 THEN PctComplete = PNS/1000.0

As it is, if you use Quantity Next Start the PctComplete value will always be zero, and the Variable Lead Time calculation will always result in zero.  We have fixed this in MFG PowerPack’s Lead Time Utility.

WCHours = HPS * NS

SetupAndQueue = (QT + ST) / WCHours

MoveAndCycle = (CT + MT) / WCHours

VARLeadTimeLine = MoveAndCycle * PctComplete

FixedLeadTime = FixedLeadTime + SetupAndQueue, rounded to 2 decimals

VariableLeadTime = VariableLeadTime + VarLeadTimeLine, rounded to 4 decimals

The calculations above are repeated for each routing sequence and the last two values (FixedLeadTime and VariableLeadTime) accumulate the total as each routing sequence is processed.  These values are used to update the two lead time fields in Item Quantities Maintenance.  All Item-Site combinations where the Replenishment Method is not BUY will be updated.  This means you cannot have Site-Specific Lead Times.

Note the rounding could cause a slightly smaller lead time, which could impact planning.  This is not technically a bug, but it would be preferable if it always rounded UP so that you would allow more time in the schedule rather than less.

Parallel Routing Sequences: the Calculate Manufacturing Lead Times window does not correctly handle routings with parallel sequences.  When the routine looks for parallel sequences it does so only by the Routing Sequence Number, so it retrieves all routing sequences from all routings that have a sequence running parallel to, for example, sequence 100. If you use parallel routing sequences on SOME but not ALL routings, this will cause the routings without parallel sequences to have incorrect lead times. (zeros). 

WilloWare has just release our own Lead Time Utility that not only addresses the two bugs described above, but also offers important key improvements:

  • It is significantly faster because it runs completely in SQL and only updates items if there are changes
  • It provides a report at the end of the process showing which items changes along with the before and after values
  • It has a lead time history table where it tracks the date of each change, the user who made the change, and the before/after values with each change.




LeanMFG 2024-11-12

Release Date: 12-NOV-2024
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
LeanMFG Build: 5.67
* MO Entry: (1) Added additional ways to access BOM Notes: MO Header section of the window, Outputs scroll, Outputs scroll. The Item Number Zoom in these locations is now a droplist that provides access to Item Maintenance and BOM Maintenance. (2) BOM Zoom will now try to open BOM Maintenace first, if the user does not have access it will try BOM Inquiry.
* MO Doc Types: There is a new Option called “Copy BOM Note to MO Note”. By default this will be false for existing and new MO Doc Types. Enabling this option will cause the BOM Note to copy to the MO Note when creating a new MO. This happens after selecting or changing the BOMID.
* BOM Maintenance: (1) BOM Copy-Item Description field is now disabled. (2) BOM Copy: Fixed issue with Item Description during copy where it was brining over the Item Description from the Item on the copied BOM. (3) BOM Export now exports Multi-Product BOMs.
* BOM Inquiry: (1) BOM Export now exports Multi-Product BOMs.
* Lot Entry: Lot Attributes can now be entered/edited directly in the scrolling window where new Lot Numbers are added. The window now has Show Detail and Show Summary button on the top-right corner of the scrolling window. Click Show Detail (Expand Window) to enter attributes.
* Updates for GP18.7
* FULL PROCESS INSTALLATION REQUIRED: The updates are backwards compatible to all versions of GP from 2013 up.

The MO Entry window now has multiple places where BOM Maintenance can be accessed.  In all of these locations the Item Number Zoom is now a droplist with options to access Item Maintenance or BOM Maintenance.

There is a new MO Document Type Option called “Copy BOM Note to MO Note”.  When this is enable creating a new MO or changing the BOMID will copy the BOM Note to the MO Note.

Lot Attributes can now be entered/edited in the same scrolling window where you add the Lot Numbers.  You no longer need to open the Lot Attribute Entry window.

MFG Data Archive 2024-11-05

Release: 5-NOV-2024
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MFGDA Build: 3.35
* NEW: Archive Inquiry: view archived manufacturing documents from the live company
* NEW: Serial/Lot Trace window integration to the Archive. Inquiries in this window will now pull into the display and related manufacturing documents from the Archive Database. Archived documents will be shown with an asterisk, such as MO001234*
* Updates for GP18.7
* FULL PROCESS INSTALLATION REQUIRED: The updates are backwards compatible to all versions of GP from 2013 up.

The new Archive Inquiry window provides a Smartlist-like user interface for searching data in the Archive while inside the live company.

The new integration into the Serial/Lot Trace Inquiry window pulls data from the Archive database into the inquiry making it easier to quickly locate source documents when performing a serial/lot trace.


MOGenerator 2024-11-04

Release Date:4-NOV-2024
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MOGenerator Build: 10.143
* MO Query window now saves each user’s last used “Validate Query For” setting.
* Excel Imports – addressed issue that could cause invalid dates when attempting to read a cell with certain formatting
* Core Utilties (MOGenv2): Added new table to support adding “pre-entered” serial/lot numbers to a manufacturing order.
* Updates for GP18.7
* FULL PROCESS INSTALLATION REQUIRED: The updates are backwards compatible to all versions of GP from 2013 up.

MFGPowerPack 2024-10-29

Release Date: 29-OCT-2024
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MFG PowerPack Build: 14.248
* Serial Number Mass Entry: made the window wider to work better with Action Pane menus
* Updates for GP18.7
* FULL PROCESS INSTALLATION REQUIRED: The updates are backwards compatible to all versions of GP from 2013 up.

GP18.7 Updates Starting Today

Date: 28-OCT-2024

We are starting on the 18.7 updates to our software!  You will see new releases of everything over the next few weeks.  They will be released every few days in the following order:

  • GP PowerPack
  • MFG PowerPack
  • MO Generator
  • MFG Import
  • MFG Data Archive
  • Blanket PO
  • LeanMFG
  • SpellCheck
  • Complete Count
  • Consulting Toolkit
  • Engineer To Order (ETO)
  • EZImport
  • Item Process Tracking
  • LabelLink
  • SOP-POP MultiLink
  • Preactor Integration

Nearly 25% of our customers are on a Dynamics GP version below GP2018(18).  We are currently doing all of our “base” development on GP2013, then upgrading and testing across all versions above that.  If you are current on Annual Enhancement you have access to all new features and fixes on any version of Dynamics GP from GP2013 and up!

If you are not regularly updating your WilloWare products you are missing out!  We regularly add new features, and we love incorporating your feedback into our products.  Be sure to let us know what you would love to see in our products and in GP.  Our 18.7 releases are not just for people on GP18.6, they are for YOU.

Dynamics GP Support

Date: 28-OCT-2024

You have likely heard recently about one or more of the following:

  • GP Lifecycle
  • Dynamics GP Roadmap
  • Microsoft Support
  • Timelines
  • Or even the scary and completely wrong “end of life”.

If you own your license, GP will keep running for as long as you want it to.  Here are some statistics from our customer list–the version and the percent of our customers on that version.

  • 10% – GP2016
  • 7% – GP2015
  • 4% – GP2013
  • 1% – GP2010
  • 1% – GP10

This means that 23% of our customers are on a version of Dynamics GP below GP2018/18.x!

We provide support to ALL of our customers regardless of the GP version and we will continue to do so.  Does it matter if Microsoft provides “support” for the version of GP you are running?   According to a significant portion of our customers the answer appears to be no.



GPPowerPack 2024-10-24

Release Date: 24-OCT-2024
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
GP PowerPack Build: 8.182
* Kit Transactions: the routine that adds the kit components to the transaction was not checking the Item Type so it was attempting to add non-inventory items (Misc Change, Flat Fee, Service) to the transaction. These will now be exluded and added to an error log report. They will not prevent the rest of the kit components from being added to the transaction. (#202401424)

MFGPowerPack 2024-10-17

Release Date: 17-OCT-2024
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MFG PowerPack Build: 13.246
* Post Data Collection Journal Entries: extended the Tweak to support Journal Entries created by Automated Data Collection. The ADC transactions can be coming from the ADC window or integrated into SF010500 (ADC_Input_Records). The posting journals will not print, there will be no print dialog pop-up.

MFGPowerPack 2024-10-16

Release Date: 16-OCT-2024
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MFG PowerPack Build: 13.245
* Item Class Serial/Lot Mask: (1) Changed the SN/Lot rolldown process to include a check that the rolldown hit all items in the item class and if not re-execute the rolldown until it can confirm complete rolldown. This change is to address a report of a sporadic “roll back” in the serial numbering sequence (#202401317), (2) Added check when saving an Item from Item Maintenance if the Class Ser/Lot has incremented (a couldn’t update the item because it was open in Item Maintenace) apply the new Last Generated Ser/Lot to the item.



We still have clients using GP2010!

That is the headline because if you hear that “support is ending for GP” just consider for a moment that WilloWare still has businesses using GP2010, which is incredibly out of the support window.  It still runs, it supports their business, and it does not shut off.

Fortunately, if you own the license, the software just keeps working.  These customers all have GP Partners who are committed to supporting them and helping them, and ISVs (like WilloWare) who stand by their products.

One more anecdote: A friend of mine is in IT management for a very large national insurance company.  He recently told me they use an IBM Mainframe application that is at least 40 years old.  They have developers who can make changes to it to address new areas of business, such as coverage options for Uber and Lyft drivers.  Since the software does what they need the enormous cost to replace it would not result in a benefit to the organization.

I’m sharing these stories with you so that when you consider the Dynamics GP Lifecycle, one thing you can be sure of is that it will keep running for many years to come, and long past Microsoft’s end of support.


Run IV Reconcile 5x Faster

Date: 2-OCT-2024

Keywords: Reconcile Inventory Quantities, Speed

If you have a lot of Item Numbers and/or Location Codes it creates an enormous number of Item-Site combinations, all of which combine to give the Inventory Reconcile process a lot to do!  Running Inventory Reconcile may take many tens of hours.  It may take days.  Perhaps it takes so long that you only run it over holidays.

There is a relatively simply way to make it run 5x faster.  In true social media style, this is definitely a “hack”.  While we have tested this and it does work, you may have other modules installed in your system or other unique characteristics that could cause this trick to not work.  Please be sure to trial it in a test company before running it on your live data.

When you click the PROCESS button on Reconcile Inventory Quantities the Inventory Reconcile routine adds an activity record in DYNAMICS..SY00800.  If you have Manufacturing installed it also adds “locks” in the company database MOP10223.  If you attempt to start another IV Reconcile process from a second GP client it is these activity records which prevent it.

How do you make IV Reconcile run 5x faster?  Run it simultaneously on five GP clients!

Divide and conquer.  Figure out how to divide your inventory into equal sized groups, such as A-K and L-Z (this would not actually work because it would miss everything after “K” such as “KA”, but you get the idea).  Technically A-K and K-Z would only overlap on a single Item Number “K”.

Log into the first GP and start IV Reconcile on the first range of items.  Then delete the Reconcile record from SY00800 and everything from MOP10223.  Note that MOP10223 holds MO locks for other parts of Manufacturing, such as MO Entry, so clearing this table should only done when you know that users are not going to be working in Manufacturing.

Now start IV Reconcile on a second GP client.  Clear the tables again if you are going to start a third processor.  This process can be repeated as many times as you like.  Do NOT delete the records after starting the last processor.

Most of the “work” of the reconcile process is performed within the GP client so this procedure splits the workload allowing you to run IV Reconcile more quickly on a given range of items, or to get through more items in the same amount of time.



Customization CR1508: MFG Allocation Settings

Customization CR1508

MFG Allocation Settings

Description of Need:

ACME has GP Manufacturing set to allocate the picklist when the MO Status is changed to Released. Due to the length of the manufacturing process, they would like to have control over which items on a picklist are automatically allocated, leaving the rest to be manually allocated/issued at a later date.

Description of Solution:

Navigation: From BOM Maintenance, go to Additional>>Allocation Settings, or, CARDS>> Manufacturing>> BOM Allocation Settings

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

NOTE: When the BOM Allocations Settings code is installed, no inventory will be automatically allocated until allocation settings are established.

When opened from BOM Maintenance, the BOM Allocation Settings will display the BOM shown in the BOM Maintenance window. Individual components can be marked to Auto-Allocate by marking the checkbox next to the component. Click the Mark All button to mark all components, and the Unmark All button to unmark all components.

NOTE: The window does NOT display subassemblies. It shows ONLY the first level components. Phantom Subassembly allocation settings must be set on the Phantom BOM. You cannot have different settings for a Phantom BOM used in one parent item versus another parent. Phantom BOM component allocation settings are linked to the Phantom BOM and will be the same in every parent that uses the Phantom.


  1. The functionality described above will not work with eConnect, any software that uses eConnect, or any software that directly writes to, updates, or deletes from SQL tables.
  2. The functionality described above is intended for the GP Desktop client.
  3. National Accounts functionality is NOT used.
  4. Advanced Distribution functionality is NOT used.
  5. Unless otherwise noted in this document, reporting is not included in this estimate.
  6. Unless otherwise noted in this document, Word Template functionality is not addressed.
  7. Unless otherwise noted in this document, the enhancement will not integrate with 3rd party products. Some examples of 3rd party products would be:
  • An ISV plug-in product including WilloWare products
  • A dexterity customization designed by another developer
  • Dynamics GP Modules including, but not limited to:
  • Project Accounting
  • MDA
  • Analytical Accounting
  • Copy functionality found in SOP, POP and Inventory
  • Field Service
  • Extended Pricing
  • Manufacturing

For information on this design, or any other WilloWare customization or product, please contact us:


Customization CR1107: Retainage Tracking

Customization CR1107

Retainage Tracking

Description of Need:

ACME needs to track and report on Retainage applied to certain Accounts Receivable documents.

Description of Solution:

Navigation: Transactions>>Sales>>Retainage

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

Customer Number: Enter a Customer Number or select one from the Lookup.

The scrolling window will display all Invoices in the Receivables Open Table (RM20101).

Retainage is the only editable field. The user can enter/change the Retainage amount as needed.

B.A.R. = Balance After Retainage. Displays the Current Amount – Retainage.

For information on this design, or any other WilloWare customization or product, please contact us:


Customization CR1292: Lock Site ID for New PO Req Entry

Customization CR1292

Lock Site ID for New PO Req Entry

Description of Need:

ACME would like to lock the Cost Center field from being changed AFTER the first line has been entered.

Description of Solution:

The enhancement will require ACME to have the Requisition Setup option for Requisition Line Site ID set to “Previous Line’s Site ID.”

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

After the user enters the first line on a PO Requisition, additional lines will be prepopulated with the previous Cost Center (default behavior). If the enhancement sees a defaulted Site ID, it locks the field and its lookup when the focus is placed in the scrolling line. This will not only prevent the user from changing the Site ID on additional lines, but will also prevent the user from changing the Site ID on the first line after the focus has been tabbed out of the line and onto the next.


  1. The functionality described above will not work with eConnect, any software that uses eConnect, or any software that directly writes to, updates, or deletes from SQL tables.
  2. Unless otherwise noted in this document, reporting is not included in this estimate.
  3. Unless otherwise noted in this document, the enhancement will not integrate with 3rd party products. Some examples of 3rd party products would be:
  • An ISV plug-in product including WilloWare products
  • A dexterity customization designed by another developer
  • Dynamics GP Modules including, but not limited to:
  • Project Accounting
  • Analytical Accounting
  • Copy functionality found in SOP, POP and Inventory

For information on this design, or any other WilloWare customization or product, please contact us:


MOGenerator 2024-09-18

Release Date:18-SEP-2024
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MOGenerator Build: 6.139
* MCTE Integration: New processing routine. (1) It now uses a sql routine to select the next MO to process so it only grabs an MO that can be processed (i.e. the MO isn’t locked, the BOM isn’t locked) rather than taking the next record from wMCTEHdr and then checking if it can be processed. (2) Previously the processing routine would attempt to process all records in wMCTEHdr, which for issue/rev issue would create a backup in the Process Monitor of IV transactions that need to be posted, which eventually could cause GP to lock-up when attempting to process hundreds of records. Processing Issue/Rev Issue now occurs in a daisy-chain where the posting of one IV transaction initiates the next MCTE process to integrate the next Issue/Rev Issue. When all records are processed the MOGen Timer will wait for new records in wMCTEHdr then kick-off the next attempt to process records. Processing Allocation/Rev Allocation has not changed because those do not need to post, so the MCTE processor will go through all such records in wMCTEHdr before shutting down, then the MOGen Timer will start it up again when new records are present.
* Excel Imports: changed method used to read a cell from Excel to ensure that the value only is retrieved from the cell in a manner that is not affected by the presence of a formula or cell formatting.

MFG PowerPack 2024-09-17

Release Date: 17-SEP-2024
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MFG PowerPack Build: 13.244
* Quick Disassembly: Fixed issue with Disassembly From BOM routine that could cause and incorrect U of M to be used even though the quantity adjusted is correct (#202401234)

LeanMFG 2024-09-16

Release Date: 16-SEP-2024
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
LeanMFG Build: 4.65
* Disassembly Wizard: the windows now remembers the last used “Disassemble” option per user and displays that selection the next time the window is opened.
* MO Entry: changed a check performed on the GoTo button that required sites so that it is only applied to the GoTo options that require a complete MO Header.

MFGDataArchive 2024-09-16

Release: 16-SEP-2024
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MFGDA Build: 1.33
* Added pre-archive check to confirm table triggers have been removed from the archive database (#202401118)
* MDA History: fixed issue in Data Column display that resulted in no calculation for net change, made change fields bold, made line between tables thicker to improve visual separation

MFG PowerPack 2024-09-11

Release Date: 10-SEP-2024
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MFG PowerPack Build: 13.243
* Vendor Pricing: Fixed issue with SOP-POP Preview window where attempting to use the Organize button, or closing the window without creating a PO, would result in an error (#202401114: Illegal address for field ‘Item Number’ in script wSOPPOPreview_RequiredDate_ACHG2)

Customization CR1327: Fuel Surcharge

Customization CR1327

Fuel Surcharge

Description of Need:

ACME needs to apply a fuel surcharge to sales orders and invoices. This fuel surcharge will be a percentage of the sales subtotal.

Description of Solution:

Navigation: Tools>>Setup>>Sales>>Surcharge Setup

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

Field Function
Fuel Surcharge Enter the fuel surcharge that will be used as a percent

Customer Maintenance

The Customer Maintenance window will be updated as follows:

Graphical user interface, application, table

Description automatically generated

Field Function
Fuel Surcharge This is an existing User Defined 1 Field. ACME will use the Receivables Setup window to relabel it. The enhancement will read the number entered here as the fuel surcharge percent as entered.

To charge 6%, the user must enter 6, not 0.06

Checkbox This will be a virtual checkbox, meaning the window itself will not be modified. The custom fuel surcharge will only be applied if this checkbox is marked, otherwise it will default to the value in setup. If this box is marked, but no value is entered into Fuel Surcharge, the default amount will be used.

Sales Transaction Entry

The Sales Transaction Entry window will be updated as follows:

A picture containing graphical user interface

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Field Function
RECALC This will be a virtual button, meaning the window itself will not be modified.

Clicking the RECALC button will recalculate the fuel surcharge using the logic detailed below. After the Fuel Surcharge field is updated, the Tax and Totals fields will also be updated.

Fuel Surcharge The Miscellaneous field will be relabeled to Fuel Surcharge.

As items are added to a Sales Order or Sales Invoice, the fuel surcharge will automatically recalculate each time the Subtotal is changed.

The Fuel Surcharge is calculated using the following formula:

Surcharge = Subtotal * % from either Customer Card or Setup, as indicated above.

NOTE: If the customer maintenance setting for using a custom fuel surcharge changes at any time during the life cycle of the order, the next time the Fuel Surcharge logic is applied it will use the new settings.

The Fuel Surcharge can also be applied/ updated by clicking the new RECALC button added to the Sales Transaction Entry window.

The user can manually override the fuel surcharge by entering a new value. If a value is manually entered, adding additional items or clicking the RECALC button will override it if clicked again.

If the user needs to exclude the document from being charged a fuel surcharge, an Additionals menu option will be added to Sales Transaction Entry. Click Additionals >> Exclude Fuel Surcharge.

When Exclude Toggle Fuel Surcharge is selected, the Fuel Surcharge field will be cleared and disabled. No fuel surcharge can be added to the document.

To Re-enable the use of Fuel Surcharges on that document, click the Additionals >> Exclude Fuel Surcharge option again. This will bring the document back to the state where a fuel surcharge can be calculated once more.


  1. The functionality described above will not work with eConnect, any software that uses eConnect, or any software that directly writes to, updates, or deletes from SQL tables.
  2. The functionality described above is intended for the GP Desktop client.
  3. National Accounts functionality is NOT used.
  4. Advanced Distribution functionality is NOT used.
  5. Unless otherwise noted in this document, reporting is not included in this estimate.
  6. Unless otherwise noted in this document, Word Template functionality is not addressed.
  7. Unless otherwise noted in this document, the enhancement will not integrate with 3rd party products. Some examples of 3rd party products would be:
  • An ISV plug-in product including WilloWare products
  • A dexterity customization designed by another developer
  • Dynamics GP Modules including, but not limited to:
  • Project Accounting
  • MDA
  • Analytical Accounting
  • Copy functionality found in SOP, POP and Inventory
  • Field Service
  • Extended Pricing
  • Manufacturing

For information on this design, or any other WilloWare customization or product, please contact us:


LeanMFG 2024-09-05

Release Date: 4-SEP-2024
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
LeanMFG Build: 4.64
* MO Entry: (1) Added a posting routine check to ensure no Input Item has an Inventory Account the same as the WIP Account. (2) When adding an Input Item a new check will ensure the Item’s INV Account is not the same as the MO Doc Type’s WIP Acct. (3) The build picklist routine validates that no Inputs have INV Account the same as the WIP Account. (4) Added check when retrieving a document to search for posted input transactions that are not linked to the MO because posting failed, and re-link them. (5) Changed ClearPostingFlag so it also closes the w-memory form to address scenario where the Costed MO Report would attempt to print if a user immediately creates and posts an inventory adjustment after posting an MO Receipt. (6) Added check before posting Outputs that validates unit and extended cost are not negative to address a scenario where a posting failure/GP crash resulted in corrupt Input transactions that caused a negative unit cost to be calculated for the output
* Cost Allocation Percent: Changed datatype to not allow negative values
* MO Distributions: (1) Fixed issue that prevented the window from saving new accounts. (2) Distribution now window validates that INV Account and WIP/Offset Account are not the same.

Customization DS1262: Discontinued Inventory

Customization DS1262

Discontinued Inventory

Problem Definition:

ACME uses Dynamics GP. When they discontinue an item, they need to ensure they sell the remaining inventory of the item before transitioning to its replacement, and they need to ensure the replacement item is purchased rather than the discontinued item.

GP supports some of this process, but other aspects of ACME’s requirements cannot be met with standard GP functionality.

  • ACME will list one or more replacements for a discontinued item using the Manufacturing Module’s “Alternate Items” window.

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  • Items can be marked as Inactive and/or Discontinued

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  • When a user changes an Item to be Discontinued on Item Maintenance, ACME would like the user to be prompted: Sell remaining inventory? YES/NO. If the user answers YES the Item Engineering “Use Up Part” checkbox will be marked automatically. ACME can mark/unmark the “Use Up Part” checkbox manually as needed.

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  • Purchase Order Entry will alert the user that the Item is Inactive and cannot be purchased. It will also prevent purchasing a Discontinued item. ACME requires that if an Inactive or Discontinued Item is entered on a Purchase Order, in addition to being alerted about the status of the item (Inactive/Discontinued) the user needs to be shown the replacement item(s) for the discontinued/inactive Item.

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  • Sales Order Entry will allow selling Discontinued items. It will not allow selling Inactive items. ACME requires that Sales Order Entry ONLY allow selling Discontinued Items if the Use Up Part checkbox is marked.

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  • ACME requires that when the remaining inventory of a Discontinued Item is sold, the Item should automatically be marked as Inactive. This will prevent any more sales of the item.
  • In Sales Order Processing, if a Discontinued Item is sold for which there is not enough inventory to meet the Customer’s order quantity, the Shortage Quantity Options window should only allow “Sell Balance”. The user should be alerted that the Item is Discontinued and shown the available replacement items.

Design Features:

Item Maintenance

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When a user changes the Item Type to DISCONTINUED, they will be prompted:

Sell remaining inventory? YES/NO

If the user answers YES, the “Use Up Part” checkbox on Item Engineering will be marked.

Purchase Order Processing

The messages normally presented by the PO Entry window for discontinued/inactive items will be suppressed and instead the user will see the new Alternate Items window:


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The discontinued/inactive Item will be shown at the top. One or more Alternate Items will be shown in the scrolling window at the bottom. This window will function like a “lookup” window, so that the user can double-click on one of the rows to use that Item Number on the Purchase Order.

Sales Order Processing

If an Item is Discontinued and “Use Up Part” is marked, and there is a quantity shortage, the Sales Quantity Shortage Options window will show only “Sell Balance.”

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The Alternate Items window (below) will also open automatically and position itself to the right-side of the Shortage Options window. The window has a couple of modes, and the mode below is Display Only. The user will continue, clicking OK on the Shortage Options window to sell the balance. The Alternate Items window will close automatically.

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The user can then open the Alternate Items window in Lookup Mode by pressing CTRL+Z, (or Additional>>Alternate Items.)

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Enter the Discontinued Item in the Item Number field. The scrolling window at the bottom will display the available alternate items. Double-click on an alternate to select it and use it in the Sales Transaction Entry window.


  1. The functionality described above will not work with eConnect, any software that uses eConnect, or any software that directly writes to, updates, or deletes from SQL tables.
  2. The functionality described above is intended for the GP Desktop client.
  3. Unless otherwise noted in this document, Word Template functionality is not addressed.
  4. The enhancement may not work with Rockton SmartFill.

For information about this design, or any other WilloWare customization or product, please

Contact us:


Customization CR1348: Kit Window Security

Customization CR1348

Kit Window Security

Description of Need:

ACME uses Inventory Kits. In addition to users who create/edit/maintain the Kit setup, there are other users who need to view the Kits. Since Dynamics GP does not have a Kit Inquiry window, these “view only” users must access the Kit Maintenance window.

ACME would like a way to “lock down” the window for “view only” users.

Description of Solution:

NOTE: a report, and using SmartList, were also considered, but ACME felt those options did not provide the same usability as a Kit Inquiry window. The approach described below, “locking down” the Kit Maintenance window, is significantly less costly than creating a new Kit Inquiry window.

Navigation: Tools>>Setup>>Inventory>>Kit Security


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Once the customization is installed it will immediately apply security to the Kit Maintenance window. Users who have not been granted Full Access in the Kit Security Setup window will have READ ONLY access to the Kit Maintenance window (i.e. Kit Maintenance will behave as-if it is an Inquiry window). Users with Full Access will be able to use the Kit Maintenance window normally (i.e. create new kits, change components, delete kits, etc).

Field Function
User ID Enter a User ID, or select one from the lookup


  1. The functionality described above will not work with eConnect, any software that uses eConnect, or any software that directly writes to, updates, or deletes from SQL tables.
  2. The functionality described above is intended for the GP Desktop client.
  3. National Accounts functionality is NOT used.
  4. Advanced Distribution functionality is NOT used.
  5. Unless otherwise noted in this document, reporting is not included in this estimate.
  6. Unless otherwise noted in this document, Word Template functionality is not addressed.
  7. Unless otherwise noted in this document, the enhancement will not integrate with 3rd party products. Some examples of 3rd party products would be:
  • An ISV plug-in product including WilloWare products
  • A dexterity customization designed by another developer
  • Dynamics GP Modules including, but not limited to:
  • Project Accounting
  • MDA
  • Analytical Accounting
  • Copy functionality found in SOP, POP and Inventory
  • Field Service
  • Extended Pricing
  • Manufacturing

For information on this design, or any other WilloWare customization or product, please contact us: