MFGPowerPack 2023-10-05

Release Date: 5-OCT-2023
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MFG PowerPack Build: 12.224
* Vendor Pricing: fixed issue with the Custom pricing method in the MOP-POP (Outsourcing) window that caused it to not set the price.
* MO SPLIT: Prior to this release,

MOGenerator 2023-09-07

Release Date: 7-SEP-2023
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MOGenerator Build: 4.128
* MORI: fixed issue where the Location Code in MOHdr was not overriding the defaults from the Scheduling Preference. The logic for retrieving sites has been modified slightly to fit how … more...

GPPowerPack 2023-08-03

Release Date: 3-AUG-2023
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
GP PowerPack Build: 7.169
* Tweaks: Purchasing Distribution Override-changed timing of when the GL account validations run so that if the default POP distributions contain an inactive account or account that does not allow … more...

GPPowerPack 2023-07-10

Release Date: 10-JUL-2023
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
GP PowerPack Build: 7.168
* Tweaks: Lock POP Cost Fields – added a password override so that an admin user can enter these values when they must be changed.  All windows where costs can … more...

MOGenerator 2023-07-03

Release Date: 3-JUL-2023
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MOGenerator Build: 4.127
* MO Scheduler: changed how our scheduling code works to accomodate a bug in a manufacturing stored procedure called mmopUpdatePicklist. If the first routing sequence is not an integer, attempting to … more...

MFGPowerPack 2023-06-26

Release Date: 26-JUN-2023
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MFG PowerPack Build: 12.222
* MRP Alternates: fixed case sensitivity issue with binary sort databases (#202300922)
* Item Copy: added nolock hint to source record selection query of the TableCopy routine… more...

MFGImport 2023-06-20

Release Date: 20-JUN-2023
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MFG Import Build: 4.69
* Creates in the company database: W7048BOMLoadTemp, wspBOMImportPRE, wspBOMImportPOST, wspImportErr, W7048RouteLoadTemp, wspRTImportPRE, wspRTImportPRE
* BOM & Routing Imports: NEW- custom business logic. ImportPRE: After reading … more...

MOGenerator 2023-06-20

Release Date: 20-JUN-2023
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MOGenerator Build: 4.125
* MORI: fixed issue with partial receipts where the rescheduling of the parent MO could remove the routing sequences from the parent MO without rebuilding/rescheduling the parent MO (#202300878)… more...

MOGenerator 2023-06-13

Release Date: 13-JUN-2023
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MOGenerator Build: 4.124
* MORI: changed method used to set default BIN in MOHdrOpt to address a sporadic issue where it was failing to find the Material Receipt Bin at the Item Site even … more...

MOGenerator 2023-06-078

Release Date: 8-JUN-2023
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MOGenerator Build: 4.123
* NEW: added setup option on the MOGen window to “Auto-start after login”. When enabled MOGen will open automatically after logging-in and start processing records.
* Create Child MOs: fixed issue … more...

MFGImport 2023-06-07

Release Date: 7-JUN-2023
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MFG Import Build: 3.68
* Routing Import: fixed issue when a routing is imported with Default Values for Concurrent Sequence and Next Sequence where they populate with zeros instead of blanks.… more...

MFGPowerPack 2023-05-31

Release Date: 31-MAY-2023
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MFG PowerPack Build: 12.220
* Serial Number Mass Entry: fixed issue that would cause the window to reject serial numbers in the following scenario–Component serial numbers are issued to a manufacturing order on an … more...

MFGImport 2023-05-24

Release Date: 24-MAY-2023
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MFG Import Build: 3.66
* Routing Import: (1) added Excel file zoom button, (2) fixed issue with importing notes where some non-alphanumeric characters were stripped from the note (3) Now display “Done” or “Error” … more...

MOGenerator 2023-05-19

Release Date: 19-MAY-2023
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MOGenerator Build: 4.122
* MOGenV2: Changed timing of when MOP-SOP links are created so that it occurs immediately after adding a record to WO010032. This ensures that the MO is linked to the SOP … more...

MOGenerator 2023-05-10

Release Date: 10-MAY-2023
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MOGenerator Build: 4.121
* MORI Excel: fixed issue where it was not automatically setting the ImportBOM/ImportRoute flags when the file contained multiple receipts of the same MO (#202300630)… more...

MFGPowerPack 2023-05-02

Release Date: 2-MAY-2023
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MFG PowerPack Build: 12.218
* SVC Equip Suite: (1) Equipment Customer Change now works with the RMA Receiving window, (2) In the RMA Line Serial Numbers window when the software detects that the SN … more...

MOGenerator 2023-02-20

Release Date: 20-FEB-2023
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MOGenerator Build: 4.115
* MOGenV2: (1) fixed issue in EditAllowed function that caused it to always return false, (2) fixed issue with the ApplyChanges routine that incorrectly returned an error that the End Quantity … more...

MOGenerator 2023-01-17

Release Date: 17-JAN-2023
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MOGenerator Build: 4.113
* MORI: changes to accommodate “SQL Server Native Client Communication link failure”. Since GP can no longer communicate with the server when there is a network failure it is not possible … more...