Customization CR0701 MO Number Creation Update


MO Number Creation Update

Description of Need:

Currently, the MO Number that is auto-generated from the Sales Order is created as SOPNUMBE_LNITMSEQ. ACME would like the MO Number to also include a prefix which will represent the Site which is entered into the Sales Order Document header.

Description of Solution:

Navigation: Setup > Manufacturing > Site Prefix Setup

This window is used to define a Prefix for each Site ID used in the Sales Order to MO creation process.

C:\Users\Karen\Documents\Clients\Tribridge\ABS\Site Prefix Setup.jpg



Done Button

Click the DONE button to exit the window

Site ID

Enter or select a Site ID from the lookup


Enter a one character Prefix to represent the Site ID. A Number or Letter may be entered.

When an MO is created by the enhancement, the MO number will be generated in the following manner:

  • If the Sales Document Header’s Site ID is listed in the Site Prefix Setup window, the first character of the MO will be the Site’s Prefix.
  • If the Site ID is NOT listed in the Site Prefix Setup window, a prefix will NOT be added.

The balance of the MO number will remain as is: SOPNUMBE_LNITMSEQ.

Example #1

Site ID NORTH has a Site Prefix of “1”

Sales Order ORD00012 has 2 Sales Lines entered. Each Sales Line will generate an MO.

Two MO’s will be created:

  1. 1ORD00012_16384
  2. 1ORD00012_32768

Example #2

Site ID WEST has a Site Prefix of “A”

Sales Order ORD00013 has 2 Sales Lines entered. Each Sales Line will generate an MO.

Two MO’s will be created:

  1. AORD00013_16384
  2. AORD00013_32768

Example #3

Site ID EAST does NOT have a Site Prefix set in the Site Prefix Setup window.

Sales Order ORD00014 has 2 Sales Lines entered. Each Sales Line will generate an MO.

Two MO’s will be created:

  1. ORD00014_16384
  2. ORD00014_32768

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