GP PowerPack Release 2019-09-04

V12.2.137 / 14.2.80 / 16.2.48 / 18.2.20 / (GP Next)
* Compatibility Release for “GP Next”
* Alert: Addressed issue that can cause an alert to clear if there are multiple alerts, such as a Vendor Alert and a PO Alert.
* idModifier: Complete redesign. idModifier can now be “trained” to update/modify virtually any string (ID) field in core GP tables, 3rd Party Product tables, and custom tables. When creating a new ID profile, idModifier will search the database for a sample value (i.e. AARONFIT0001). It identifies all of the tables/fields that contain the sample. The search feature allows it to locate data in 3rd party tables, and to identify all of the different field names used to store the data (i.e. CUSTNMBR, CPRCSTNM, Bill_To_Customer, etc). New table: W5026IDTables. Table W5026IDFields is dropped.
* Sales Pro Item Lookup: addressed issue that prevented it from displaying the Primary Ship To Address Code from Sales Transaction Entry.


To learn more about the new idModifier, click here.