MFG Import 2022-10-31

Release Date: 31-OCT-2022
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MFG Import Build: 3.56
* Routing & BOM Imports: addressed issue with error reporting module that could cause an ‘incorrect syntax’ error when importing from Excel and there is invalid data the file. The error reporting would still correctly reports all errors and the import would run fine if the file data is all valid.
* Boo! Happy Halloween from WilloWare!

MFG PowerPack 2022-10-27

Release Date: 27-OCT-2022
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MFG PowerPack Build: 12.203
* This release includes a new SQL table
* Updated for GP18.5 Release
* BOM Alternates-Picklist: this release contains a major update to the Picklist Alternates window. Previously the window assumed that Primary-Alternate items were swappable (i.e. if you are short 8 of the Primary you can use 8 of the Alternate). The Picklist Alternates window can now handle two types of Primary-Alternate Relationships. One where the items are interchangeable and you could use some of both in a single Manufacturing Order, and one where you can use the Alternate in place of the Primary, but not both at the same time. Often when items can be measured in decimals, there is not a good way for the software to determine if one can be used to meet a shortage of the other, or if it must be used in place of the other. There is now a default “alternate item usage” setting, and also the ability to specify that setting per Primary-Alternate Item relationship. Color coding in the window now uses colored Dots (for Primary-Use Up Item relationships) and colored Squares (for Primary-Alternate Item relationships). The color coding has been refined to provide more information about the availability and/or shortage of the Primary-Alternate/Use Up items. NEW SETUP IS REQUIRED BEFORE USING BOM ALTERNATES.
* Item Class Serial/Lot Mask: The setup window has been updated so that when a new Template Item is used the window will generate the next available serial/lot number and use that as the starting point for all items in the Item Class. Previously it attempted to retrieve that “maximum” existing last generated serial/lot number, which could cause it to inadvertently flip to an incorrect last serial/lot.

Item Process Tracking 2022-10-24

Release Date: 24-OCT-2022
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
IPT Build: 2.19
* Updated for GP18.5 Release
* Data Record Entry: fixed issue that affected Items assigned to multiple Data Sheets for the same transaction. When this situation exists, the Data Record Entry window would only create a Data Record for the alphaneurically “first” Data Sheet assigned to the Item.
* Item Data Sheet Maintenance: fixed issue where the Data Sheet Description would not populate when entering a new Data Sheet ID into the scrolling window.

GP18.3+ Delete/Void Bug

DATE: 20-OCT-2022

Summary: Deleting partial Invoice corrupts originating Order on GP18.3+

In GP18.3 a change was made to how SOP deletes/voids a document.  It appears that the objective was to “rollback” the QTY Invoiced on the Originating Order when the linked Invoice is deleted or voided.  The scenario the change appears designed to address is this:

  • A Sales Order with one or more lines has a partial quantity change to QTY To Invoice
  • The quantities are transferred to Invoice
  • The Invoice is the voided or deleted

It appears that an attempt was made to “reset” the Order so that those same quantities could be invoiced again.


However, the Quantity Previously Invoiced is incorrectly updated as follows:

  • EVERY line on the Originating Order is updated (not just the lines from the Voided/Deleted Invoice)
  • The calculation is wrong. It is decreasing QTY Previously Invoiced by (QTY – QTY To Invoice – QTY To Back Order).  Since this is not considering the lines and quantities on the Voided/Deleted Invoice, by subtracting the values from the Originating Order from itself, it wipes out all previously Invoiced line quantities.  Subtracting QTY To Backorder is completely incorrect.

When you Void/Delete an invoice it makes the quantities on the originating order incorrect.  If you then run SOP/INV reconcile it further exacerbates the problem because it attempts to adjust the sales order and inventory to reflect the incorrect QTY Previously Invoiced.

As of 20-OCT-2022 (GP18.5) this issue has not been fixed.

NOTE: The specific dexterity procedure involved is SOP_DeleteVoid_PreInit.  Comments indicate that this is used by Credit Card Processing applications.  If you need this bug fix AND you are using Credit Card processing, please use caution when enabling the bug fix to ensure the Credit Card application still responds correctly when deleting/voiding documents.

Our GP PowerPack release on 20-OCT-2022 contains a SOP-Tweak called “Fix GP18.3+ Delete/Void Bug” that will prevent the issue.


GPPowerPack 2022-10-20

Release Date: 18-OCT-2022
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
GP PowerPack Build: 5.161
* Updated for GP18.5 Release
* PO Document IDs: Updates so it works better with WilloWare’s Blanket PO module. BPO uses the title bar of the PO Entry window to display information about the Blanket PO, and PO Doc IDs also tries to put the current PO Doc ID into the title bar. Now if BPO is enabled (the PO Entry window is in Blanket PO mode), you can still use PO Doc IDs but the current Doc ID will not be displayed in the PO Entry title bar.
* SalesPro Item Lookup: added option on the window to control, per user, whether or not SalesPro opens instead of the normal GP Item Lookup from Sales Transaction Entry.
* Select Checks Filters: added a date filter option of Today + Days. This allows creating a filter that retrieves all documents with a Due Date On or Before the current date + 30 days.
* NEW SOP Tweak: “Fix GP18.3+ Delete/Void Bug”. In GP18.3 a change to how SOP handles Deleting/Voiding an Invoice can corrupt the originating order, which then can corrupt inventory when SOP/INV reconcile are run. This Tweak fixes the bug. Please see the document and/or our website for details. Read More Here.

MOGenerator 2022-10-19

Release Date: 19-OCT-2022
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MOGenerator Build: 4.108
* MORI: addressed issue with the call to Manufacturing Make_WO_Router that could result in the working routing (WR010130) not being created with single-step integrations. This would also affect MO Scheduler and MOGenV2.

CompleteCount 2022-10-14

Release Date: 14-OCT-2022
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
CompleteCount Build: 3.54
* Updated for GP18.5 Release
* Mass Add: (1) added Item Inactive flag to the selection criteria, (2) window clears everything when changing the Task, (3) Stock Count ID field now prompts to Add Count if the Count ID does not exist (4) Added Stock Count ID zoom
* Print Tags: Use Item Qtys Bin now only enables if multi-bin is not enabled
* Tag Reports: (1) All reports can now be sent to Excel, (2) Addressed issued in Variance to Report that could cause it to exclude captured not counted items.
* Tag Inquiry & Tag Entry: Added option on the bottom of the windows to change how the Captured Quantity is calculation, such as By Item Number, By Item-Site, By Item-Site-Bin, by Item-Site on Tag, by Item-Site-Bin(s) on Tag, etc.
* Tag Submit: This only affects situations where Count IDs are reused–added a control on HxNum in the CompleteCount history tables to keep it in sync with SEQNUMBR in the Stock Count history tables to help ensure that inquiries on historical counts/tags are able to tie Tags to the originating Stock Count when Stock Count IDs are reused. It is possible to submit tags, which increments the HxNum, but then delete the Stock Count before posting, which leaves HxNum +1 over SEQNUMBR. Alternatively, it is possible to reuse a Count ID, manually enter a count and post that which would cause SEQNUMBR to be +1 over HxNum. To prevent this, manually entered counts should not re-use Stock Count IDs.

DS1333 ATP Demand Planning


ATP Demand Planning

Problem Definition:

ACME uses WilloWare’s PowerATP window and MRP. The approach with MRP is that it detects a shortage and suggests creating a new supply (i.e. a PO) or changing the date/quantity of an existing supply transaction (i.e. moving a PO date earlier). In a distribution environment it is more common to have fixed supply transactions and you need to change the demand transaction to account for the timing/quantity of the supply.

ACME would like a way to run PowerATP calculations for a large number of items and then have a report (or some way to view the results) that shows ONLY the negative ATP lines. One of the selection criteria needs to be LLC because they will start by running this at the lowest level first. If shortages are detected, they will use PowerATP to view the item and adjust the transactions (i.e. manufacturing orders).

For example, if a Vendor moves a PO Ship Date out, this would cause a shortage in an MO that needs the purchased part. The PowerATP utility would report the MO as being short. They will adjust the start date on the MO, then run the PowerATP utility again for next LLC up (i.e. if the first run was for LLC 3, the next run will be for items at LLC 2).

The output from the PowerATP utility should be:

  • Site ID/Location
  • Item Number
  • LLC
  • From the PowerATP calculations:

    • Document Type
    • Document Number
    • Quantity Out (demand)
    • ATP
    • Date
    • Transaction Information

Design Features:

ATP Demand Planner

Navigation: Inquiry >> Manufacturing >> ATP Demand Planner


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Option Set

An Option Set ID from PowerATP


A Description of the Query


The Low Level Code included in the query. The LLC dropdown will be populated with a list of LLC codes from the Item Engineering table (IVR10115). A LLC must be selected.

The ATP Demand Planner is used to set up a set of selection criteria that identifies a list of Items to run through the PowerATP calculations. It uses a combination of LLC specified here, plus any Item and Item-Site restrictions specified on the PowerATP Option Set.

For example, if the Option Set does not have any Item or Site restrictions the ATP Demand Planner will run for all items in Item Engineering that have the specified LLC. If the Option Set includes Item or Item-Site restrictions, those will reduce the number of items included in the process (i.e. items that have LLC 3, where the Item Number is in the Items list, which also have one of the specified Item-Site associations).

Click EXECUTE to run the utility.

The utility will first confirm you are ready to delete the existing ATP Demand Planning information. The information displayed in the scrolling window is stored by User ID. It is retained after the window is closed. When you open the window again the scrolling window will display the last Demand Planning results you generated (multiple users can have different sets of data). When you click EXECUTE it clears your Demand Planning results and repopulates it with the criteria.

The EXECUTE process will identify a list of items to process then:

  • Open the PowerATP window and enter the Option Set
  • Feed an Item Number into the PowerATP window and run the ATP calculation
  • Scan the results for any negative ATP values. If any are found, it will store them in the Demand Planning Results table (which fills the scrolling window in the ATP Demand Planning window).

NOTE: While this process is running it will completely occupy the users Dynamics GP client. No other work can be done with the client while the process is running.

Double-click on a row to open the item in the PowerATP window (or click on a row then click the Expansion button). When the item is loaded in the PowerATP window all of the ATP data can be viewed for the item, and changes can be made to the shortage documents.

Remove lines from the Demand Planning window by clicking on a row and clicking the DELETE ROW button (Edit >> Delete Row). Remove rows from the window as you adjust the shortage documents. Removing a row does not affect the shortage document.


  1. The functionality described above will not work with eConnect, any software that uses eConnect, or any software that directly writes to, updates, or deletes from SQL tables.
  2. The functionality described above is intended for the GP Desktop client.
  3. National Accounts functionality is NOT used.
  4. Advanced Distribution functionality is NOT used.
  5. Unless otherwise noted in this document, reporting is not included in this estimate.
  6. Unless otherwise noted in this document, Word Template functionality is not addressed.
  7. Unless otherwise noted in this document, the enhancement will not integrate with 3rd party products. Some examples of 3rd party products would be:
  • An ISV plug-in product including WilloWare products
  • A dexterity customization designed by another developer
  • Dynamics GP Modules including, but not limited to:
  • Project Accounting
  • MDA
  • Analytical Accounting
  • Copy functionality found in SOP, POP and Inventory
  • Field Service
  • Extended Pricing
  • Manufacturing

For information on this design spec, or any other WilloWare customization or product, please contact us at:

Contact Me (

Prevent DEX_ROW_ID Overflow

You may not have given this a thought, but every Dynamics GP database table has a DEX_ROW_ID column, and there is a maximum value for that field.  It is 2,147,483,647.  Just over 2 billion.

Every time you add a record to a GP table the DEX_ROW_ID increments by one.  It does not decrement when you remove a record.  If you delete a record, then add another one, it will have DEX_ROW_ID of two.

Some tables, particularly with GP Manufacturing, see a very high volume of data, although this is not just a Manufacturing related issue.  At some point, when the DEX_ROW_ID becomes too large for the datatype (SQL int), you will receive an error like the one shown below.

Arithmetric overflow error converting IDENTITY to data type int.

When this occurs data can no longer be added to the table.  If this were to happen on a GL table, it would render GP non-functional until the issue was resolved.

We are not going to cover how to address this because there can be unique issues with each table that require a different approach, addressing it requires SQL scripting, and it has the potential to result in data loss and damage to the database if not done correctly.

However, it is worth checking now to see if you might have a problem brewing so you can take steps now to prevent an issue.

Download a ZIP of a SQL script to find GP tables with the largest DEX_ROW_ID (note: this is not the same as tables with the most records).  The ZIP file contains a text file with the SQL script.  Below is also an image of the script.  If tables are getting close to the 2 billion number shown above, contact a GP & SQL expert for assistance.



DS1173- Rental Inquiry


Rental Inquiry

Problem Definition:

ACME provides floral arrangements and event planning services. An important aspect of planning an event is managing their rental equipment inventory. This is currently a paper process which does not provide good visibility into the availability of equipment on a given date.

ACME needs a solution in Dynamics GP that provides the ability to see availability of rental inventory, and to reserve it for specific dates.

Solution Overview:

ACME will use Dynamics GP Sales Transactions to manage their rental inventory. That process is described in detail below. The proposed customization will add a Rental Inquiry window, which is described in the following section.

All rental invoices will be kept in a Batch called RENTAL. These invoices will NOT be posted. They are used solely for allocating inventory. The Sales Invoice ID will be set to Allocate By Document/Batch.

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The Sales Invoice will be created as shown above. The DATE field will be used to record the date on which the inventory is first needed. In the example above, the inventory is required on 4/12/2019.

NOTE: The Invoice Note (the note button to the right of Document No.) can be used to record descriptive information about the rental. And the Document Attach feature (the paperclip at the top right) can be used to attach other documents to the Rental Invoice.

The Sales Date Entry window will be used to record the RETURN DATE (shown below):

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Rental inventory will be added to the transaction as shown below:

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ACME will use a SmartList called Rentals to see all of the pending rentals:

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This SmartList can be used to quickly find rentals due to be delivered on a particular day. The rental can be opened by double-clicking on it in this window, and a Picking Ticket printed.

When the inventory is Picked, ACME will “allocate” the transaction via the Options >> Allocate/Fulfill menu on Sales Transaction Entry. Allocating the transaction will allocate the rental equipment in the inventory module so WF can look at the Item Inquiry window (or other reports) and see the expected quantities of inventory that are physically available at any given time (i.e. what is in the warehouse vs out at a rental site). In other words, if the inventory count it accurate, On Hand – Allocated = current quantity in warehouse.

When the rental inventory is returned, ACME will print another packing slip which will be used to confirm the correct quantities of all items have been returned. This completed document will be the “trigger” to complete the final step of the rental process in Dynamics GP: Voiding the Invoice. Voiding the invoice will unallocate the inventory and move the document to history.

Design Features:

Navigation: Inquiry >> Inventory >> Rental Inquiry


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The Rental Inquiry window is used to check availability of all items needed for event.

Rental Out/Return: enter the dates for which the inventory will be required.

Site: Enter the location code from which the rental inventory will be sent. Leave blank to have the window consider “all sites”.

Rental Items Window: The top left scrolling window is used to enter one or more rental items needed for the event. Enter the Item Number and Quantity Required. After entering the Qty Required and tabbing out of the field the following will occur:

  • If the Qty Required is greater than the Quantity Available on any day from the Rental Out to the Return, a red icon will display next to the quantity.
  • The Availability Window (bottom) will refresh.

Availability Window: The Availability window will display the items entered into the Rental Items window, showing the Quantity Available for a 31-day period beginning 15-days before the Rental Out Date and continuing 15-days after the Rental Out date. There will be one column for each date.

After one or more Items have been entered into the Rental Items window, clicking into one of the existing rental Item lines will cause the Rental Invoices window (top right scrolling window) to refresh. The Rental Invoices window will show all invoices that also need the selected item during the same time period covered by the Rental Out to Return dates. Double-clicking on an invoice in this window will open it in the Sales Transaction Inquiry window

Item Usage Inquiry:

Using SmartList and WilloWare’s SmartList Analyzer, ACME can perform a quick “Item Usage” report for any Search parameters available in SmartList (i.e. such as a date range, or Customer ID, or Zip Code, etc).

(SmartList Analyzer is a module within the GP PowerPack Suite. SmartList Analyzer is $500 + $90/year Annual Enhancement. The cost of this module is not included in this estimate.)

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  1. The functionality described above will not work with eConnect, any software that uses eConnect, or any software that directly writes to, updates, or deletes from SQL tables.
  2. The functionality described above is intended for the GP Desktop client.
  3. Unless otherwise noted in this document, reporting is not included in this estimate.

For information on this design, or any other WilloWare customization or product, please contact us:

Contact Me (

MOP-SOP Links and MO Receipts

Posted: 17-SEP-2022

Keywords: Dynamics GP Manufacturing, MOP-SOP Links, MO Receipt Entry

The issue discussed below applies to all current versions of Dynamics GP.  We released an update today for MFG PowerPack that has a new Tweak called “MO-SO Receipt Warning” that is intended to address the issue.

We recently discovered problem with Dynamics GP Manufacturing Order Receipt Entry window where it allows creating and posting an MO Receipt when the MO is linked to a SOP Document and that document is currently in use (i.e. open in Sales Transaction Entry).  Normally manufacturing will allocate the inventory to the linked SOP line, and update SOP Line quantities accordingly.

What happens is the following:

  • The finished good inventory correctly posts to the Inventory Module
  • The quantity is allocated in the Inventory Module (Manufacturing assumes that it will be updating the SOP Line to reflect the allocation)
  • Since the SOP Document is locked, Manufacturing cannot update the SOP Line
  • The SOP Line then cannot be manually allocated/fulfilled because it is still linked to the MO.
  • The inventory cannot be used because the Inventory Module sees it as allocated

The only way to address the situation is to (1) break the MOP-SOP link and (2) run inventory reconcile.  At that point the SOP Line can be manually allocated/fulfilled.

The new Tweak in MFG PowerPack hooks into an existing check performed by the MO Receipt Entry window and forces the warning below if the linked SOP Document is in use.

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The reason we took this approach is that there are 3rd Party products (such as Warehouse Management Systems) that integrate into this window to create MO Receipts.  Since the warning above, and the condition that creates it, is a normal behavior of the MO Receipt Entry window, our hope is that such integrations will already have a method to handle this warning.  Where if we had added an additional warning specific to the MOP-SOP condition, that might cause the 3rd Parties to fail.  If you do deploy this Tweak in a system that has an integration, please test carefully before enabling it in a live system.

MFG PowerPack 2022-09-16

Release Date: 16-SEP-2022
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MFG PowerPack Build: 11.202
* Actual Cost Rollup: changes to the stored procedures to correct a case sensitivity issue for binary sort databases (#202201726). If you are binary sort and received an install error, dr0p table WCT00003 then rerun the full install routine to automatically recreate the table and stored procedures. This issue affects binary sort SQL installs only.
* MO Split: addressed issue that could cause a duplicate key error on MOP10223 when doing MO Receipts with Split MOs (#202201737)
* Vendor Pricing: addressed issue in the PO Item Detail Entry window where it was not picking up changes to the Release By Date so it continued to use the Document Date for pricing. This build adds a feature to the Release By Date field so that when you enter it date it will automatically update the Required Date (if needed) so it is the same as the Release By Date. This prevents a warning from GP that the Required Date cannot be before the Release By Date, and it means you can enter only the Release By Date if desired.
* NEW Tweak: MO-SO Receipt Warning- this Tweak is intended to fix a big with the Manufacturing Order Receipt Entry window. If an MO is linked to an SO, and the SO is in use (i.e. open in Sales Transaction Entry), the MO Receipt window will allow creating and posting a receipt. This results in the finished good inventory being added to inventory and allocated (because manufacturing thinks it will be allocating the inventory to the SO). However, the SO is locked so it cannot be updated. The SO then cannot be manually fulfilled because it is linked to the MO, and the inventory module incorrectly shows the inventory as allocated so it cannot be used. The only way to fix the situation is to (1) break the MO-SO link and (2) run inventory reconcile. This Tweak will warning users that the MO is in use and prevent creating the MO Receipt.

DS0852 Sales Entry Enhancements


Sales Entry Enhancements

Problem Description:


ACME brings Sales Orders into Dynamics GP via EDI. It is not known when the order is integrated whether or not it will be processed as a Drop-Ship. When ACME manually reviews Orders after integration, a decision is made that an Order should be a Drop-Ship.

Currently they are manually removing each sales line, and re-entering it as a Drop-Ship. A Sales Order is always either completely Drop-Ship, or not. There is never a mix of Drop-Ship lines and regular lines. If there were a mix, they would manually set each line as needed.

Additionally, the Shipping Method on each line is changed to DIRECT SHIP.

ACME would like a way to quickly convert an entire order to Drop-Ship, and change the Shipping Method to DIRECT SHIP.

Exceptional Demand

ACME uses Sales Demand in their Sales Forecasting and sometimes needs to exclude a Sales Order from forecasting. Currently this is done by manually marking the Exceptional Demand checkbox on the Sales Item Detail Entry window, for each line on the order.

ACME either excludes all lines from forecasting (marks the Exceptional Demand box on all lines), or all lines are included. There is never a mix of some lines excluded and some lines included. If there were a mix, they would manually set each line as needed.

ACME would like a way to quickly set the Exceptional Demand flag on all lines on a Sales Order (or to unmark it on all lines).

Design Features:


Navigation: Sales Transaction Entry >> Additional >> Convert to Drop-Ship

Conversion to Drop-Ship will only be allowed if the SOP Type = Order.

The user will be prompted to confirm they want to convert the entire Order to drop-ship. If they answer yes:

  1. The system will confirm that:

    1. multi-bins is NOT enabled
    2. the order does NOT contain serial/lot controlled items

If either is true, the user will be warned and the Convert to Drop Ship process will stop.

  1. Each line on the order will be converted to Drop-Ship.
  2. Inventory will be unallocated at the Item-Site.
  3. The Shipping Method will be changed to “DIRECT SHIP” and the user will be prompted to roll the change down to the lines.

Exceptional Demand

Navigation: Sales Transaction Entry >> Additional >> Toggle Exceptional Demand

Selecting the navigation above will have the follow effect on the Exceptional Demand checkboxes on the sales lines:

  • If none are currently marked, all will be marked
  • If some are currently marked, all will be unmarked
  • If all are currently marked, all will be unmarked

Since the Exceptional Demand checkbox is always available regardless of SOP Type, the Toggle Exceptional Demand optional will work on any SOP Type.

The Title Bar of the Sales Transaction Entry window will display the Exceptional Demand status.

When all of the lines on a Sales Transaction have the Exceptional Demand checkbox marked, “Exceptional Demand” will appear in the Title Bar of the Sales Transaction Entry window (as shown below).

If some of the lines are NOT marked (and some are), it will display: Exceptional Demand*

If none of the lines are marked, Exceptional Demand will not display.

The example below is just to emphasize the LOCATION of the text—it will NOT be red. It will appear in the same font/color as the title of the window.

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ACME does not use Multi-Bin

ACME does not use Serial/Lot Tracking

MFGImport 2022-08-09

Release Date: 9-AUG-2022
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MFG Import Build: 3.54
* This build adds a new table for tracking errors in the integration
* Added support for table-driven integrations into the BOM and Routing.
* Added an external integration point (API) for use with GP web services and dexterity-based integrations.

GPPowerPack 2022-07-28

Release Date: 28-JUL-2022
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
GP PowerPack Build: 5.159
* Bank Deposit Filters: addressed issue that could cause a very long delay when clicking the Mark All button when filters have been applied.
* TWK-POP: PURCH Distribution Override – added check for Inactive account. User will now be warned if the selected account is inactive and the window will revert to the previous account.

MFG PowerPack Actual Cost Rollup

Price $3600 Manual

The Standard Cost Maintenance windows in GP Manufacturing do not allow use of Actual Cost (FIFO/LIFO PERPETUAL) Items.  In an Actual Cost environment it is difficult to see what the total cost of production will be which in turn makes it difficult to produce Quotes or Estimates for customers.

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The Actual Cost Rollup utility provides a place to set a pending cost change and date for actual cost raw materials, perform an Actual Cost Rollup, and view items that have a new cost because of the rollup.

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The Actual Cost Rollup follows the same logic as the GP Manufacturing Standard Cost Rollup, so the rollup includes:

  • Labor rates and overheads
  • Machine rates and overheads
  • Routing Times
  • Bills of Material Component Quantities and Shrinkage
  • Item Engineering Standard Cost Shrinkage
  • Item Resource Planning Shrinkage Factor
  • In dates/out dates/Effective Dates

Actual Cost Rollup also works with Standard Cost items and can perform a risk-free roll-up on those items too.  Since Actual Cost Rollup does not have the ability to CHANGE the cost of standard cost items it can be used to perform planning activities without the chance of accidentally revaluing inventory.

MFG PowerPack 2022-06-30

Release Date: 30-JUN-2022
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MFG PowerPack Build: 11.200
* The FULL INSTALLATION ROUTINE is required with this release
* Item Copy: changed timing of when wspItemCopyPost is executed from after each node to once per Destination Item Number.
* Proposed Cost Update: address issue with the Zero Cost flags that caused it to not allow Material to be zeroed (#202201210)
* Update to Scrap UDF Labels to allow more fields in a future release
* NEW: Actual Cost Rollup- this utility performs a cost rollup on actual cost (and standard cost) inventory items.

MFG PowerPack 2022-06-22

Release Date: 22-JUN-2022
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MFG PowerPack Build: 10.199
* Vendor Pricing: added UDFs fields to the Excel import (#202201152)
* MFG Tweak: Use MO Number for IV Transaction Number- added check for blank MO Number so if retreiving the MO Number fails during posting GP will revert to using the default IV Transaction Number (#202201146)

Engineer To Order (ETO) 2022-06-21

Release Date: 21-JUN-2022
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
ETO Build: 2.40
* Copy Utility: (1) Fixed issue in the Copy utility that caused it to not copy the routing if the BOM ID and Routing ID were different (#202201188), (2) Fixed issue that prevented copying if source BOM from the MFG Module was created without a Fixed Qty UofM

MFG PowerPack 2022-06-02

Release Date: 2-JUN-2022
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MFG PowerPack Build: 10.198
* Vendor Pricing: fixed issue that zeroed the price with Manufacturing and Outsourced Routing Sequences when Manufacturing is configured to create the PO Item on the fly using the MO and Routing Sequence (#202201048)
* Quick Disassembly: added an option to merge quantities for the same item if an item number can appear multiple times on a BOM or Picklist.

GPPowerPack 2022-06-01

Release Date: 1-JUN-2022
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
GP PowerPack Build: 5.157
* Login Controls: Addressed issue with the Set Company control that caused an error (Illegal address for field User ID) in some installations when Remember Company was marked
* SOP Tweaks (Customer PO-Check For Duplicates, Customer PO-Require Unique): A new setup option allows choosing which type of window is used for the SOP Customer PO Inquiry, either modeless or modal. Modeless is a normal GP window that can stay open when using other windows. Modal is like a warning dialog box–you must close it before you can interact with another window.

Customization DS1360 MO Receipt: Import Finished Good Lots

Customization DS1360

MO Receipt: Import Finished Good Lots

Problem Definition:

ACME produces bales of non-wood ag-based fiber using Microsoft Dynamics GP Manufacturing to record the manufacturing activities. Each Manufacturing Order can produce 30-50 bales, each of which is recorded with a separate lot number and weight (the finished good quantity).

They are currently set up with multi-bin turned on, the finished items are lot tracked and many of the components are lot tracked. They backflush the components. Currently they need to manually enter 30-50 separate lots numbers and the quantity (weight) for each lot. They are not recording any lot attributes.

ACME would like to improve the speed and ease of data entry by having a way to copy (or import) the Lots/Quantities from Excel into the MO Receipt.

Solution Overview:

WilloWare will add a custom Copy/Paste window into the MO Receipt Entry process where users can copy/past a list of finished good Lot Numbers (bales) and the quantity (weight) for each bale.

Design Features:

Lot Number Import

Copy the finished good lot numbers and quantities from Excel. The data must be in two adjacent columns as shown below.


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Navigation: Manufacturing Lot Number Entry >> Additional >> Lot Number Import

Graphical user interface, text, application

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Paste (CTRL+V) the lots/quantities into the Lot Number Import window as shown above.

Click the IMPORT button.

The import process will first make sure that a BIN has been provided. If not, it will stop and ask the user to enter a BIN. It will then add the list of Lot Numbers and Quantities to the “Lot Numbers Selected” window.

NOTE: if the total of the copy/pasted Lot Quantities is greater than the Quantity Remaining To Select, the import routine will stop when the next lot quantity to import would exceed the Remaining To Select. For example, if the Quantity Remaining To Select is 2 and the next Lot Number to import has a quantity of 12.30, the utility will not attempt to import it.


  1. The functionality described above will not work with eConnect, any software that uses eConnect, or any software that directly writes to, updates, or deletes from SQL tables.
  2. The functionality described above is intended for the GP Desktop client.
  3. National Accounts functionality is NOT used.
  4. Advanced Distribution functionality is NOT used.
  5. Unless otherwise noted in this document, reporting is not included in this estimate.
  6. Unless otherwise noted in this document, Word Template functionality is not addressed.
  7. Unless otherwise noted in this document, the enhancement will not integrate with 3rd party products. Some examples of 3rd party products would be:
  • An ISV plug-in product including WilloWare products
  • A dexterity customization designed by another developer
  • Dynamics GP Modules including, but not limited to:
  • Project Accounting
  • MDA
  • Analytical Accounting
  • Copy functionality found in SOP, POP and Inventory
  • Field Service
  • Extended Pricing


For information on this customization, or any other WilloWare customization or product, please contact us:


Customization CR1407- ITT Visibility to MRP



ITT Visibility to MRP

Description of Need:

ACME uses Dynamics GP Manufacturing.

They need to have full visibility to inventory balances, supply/demand and movements throughout the system. They use In-Transit Transfer documents.

In-Transit Transfer documents are not visible to MRP. ACME requires an enhancement that will provide them with visibility to both the demand and supply requirements of unshipped and/or unreceived ITT’s.

Description of Solution:

In-Transit Transfers: Visible to MRP

Please Note: The Regeneration Type must be set to Full Regeneration on the MRP Regeneration window. The enhancement will NOT function properly if this setting is changed to Net Change.

Graphical user interface, text, application

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The user must manually click the PROCESS button on the MRP Regeneration window to run MRP. Clicking the PROCESS button will run the following processes prior to the MRP Regeneration process. The processes described below create/maintain “bogus” planning documents that make ITT supply/demand visible to MRP:

  1. Review unshipped quantities on In-Transit Transfer (ITT) documents to mimic DEMAND. In the ITT example below, there are 25 pieces of item MRP TEST, which have been entered on the ITT document to be supplied from Site QUALITY and shipped to Site NORTH via the INTRANSIT Site. This quantity has NOT yet been shipped.

Graphical user interface, application, table

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Even though the 25 pieces are allocated to the ITT document, they still show as being available to site Quality as viewed through the MRP Workbench:

Graphical user interface, table

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To simulate demand, the enhancement will create a dummy Manufacturing Order and Picklist. The Manufacturing Order number will be set to Z-INTRANSIT. The Manufacturing Order Item Number will be set to INTRANSIT. The Routing will be set to INTRANSIT. (This Item does not need to be an Item in the Item Master. This Item does not need to have a MFG BOM or MFG Routing assigned.) The Manufacturing Order will be set to status OPEN and its PICKLIST will be built.

The Manufacturing PICKLIST will contain the unshipped ITT requirements. Each required Item Number/Site combination will appear as a single line item on the PICKLIST. The sum of the requirements for each Item Number will populate the Required Qty field. The PICKLIST Items/Quantities will NOT be allocated. The PICKLIST Required Date will be set to the System Date. The PICKLIST Items/Quantities will be set to Backflush. The ISSUE FROM Site on the PICKLIST will be set to the ITT’s From Site ID. In the example above, because the ITT has not yet been shipped, the ISSUE FROM Site would be set to QUALITY.

  1. Review shipped quantities on In-Transit Transfer (ITT) documents to mimic DEMAND. In the ITT example below, there are 25 pieces of item MRP TEST, which have been entered on the ITT document to be supplied from Site QUALITY and shipped to Site NORTH via the INTRANSIT Site. This quantity HAS BEEN shipped.

Graphical user interface, application

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Even though the 25 pieces are allocated to the INTRANSIT Site from the ITT document, they still show as being available to site INTRANSIT as viewed through the MRP Workbench:


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The enhancement will add these demand lines to the Manufacturing Picklist as described in #1 above. However, for shipped lines the following alteration will be made:

  • The ISSUE FROM Site on the PICKLIST will be set to the VIA SITE ID. In the example above, because the ITT has been shipped, the ISSUE FROM Site would be set to INTRANSIT.
  1. Review shipped and unshipped quantities on In-Transit Transfer (ITT) documents to mimic SUPPLY. In the ITT example below, there are 25 pieces of item MRP TEST, which have been entered on the ITT document to be supplied from Site QUALITY and shipped to Site NORTH via the INTRANSIT Site. This quantity has NOT yet been shipped.

Graphical user interface, application

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These 25 pieces are NOT visible as supply to Site ID North as viewed through the MRP Workbench.


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Even when the ITT document has been shipped, MRP still does NOT recognize the supply coming to the final destination Site ID. To simulate supply, the enhancement will create a dummy Purchase Order which will include both shipped and unshipped ITT quantities. The Purchase Order number will be set to Z-INTRANSIT. The Purchase Order will hold the following detail:

  • Purchase Order Date: Will be set to the System Date
  • Vendor ID: INTERNAL. (The enhancement will NOT validate that this Vendor ID exists. It is the responsibility of ACME to ensure that the Vendor ID is setup within Dynamics GP.)
  • Currency ID: Company’s Functional Currency
  • PO Status: RELEASED

The PO Lines will contain the following detail:

  • Item Number: Item Number from the ITT Record
  • Quantity: (Qty Ordered – Qty Received)
  • U of M: UOM from the Requisition record
  • Unit Cost: $0.00
  • Site ID: To Site from the ITT record
  • Required Date: Promised Date of the ITT Document
  • Current Promised Date: Promised Date of the ITT Document
  • PO Line Status: Set to RELEASED
  • Vendor Item Description: Tracking Reference of the ITT Document
  • Ship Method: Ship Method of the ITT Document

Please Note: If the Item Number/Vendor ID assignment does not already exist, the enhancement will auto-create the link.

Internal ACME Process Controls Are Required:

  1. Users should NOT allocate parts, issue parts, receive or close the Z-INTRANSIT Manufacturing Order. The Manufacturing Order should NOT be utilized in actual Manufacturing Processes. The enhancement will NOT prevent users from doing any of the above.
  2. Users should NOT copy, receive, cancel, delete, void, print, invoice or close etc. the Z-INTRANSIT Purchase Order. The Purchase Order should NOT be utilized in actual Purchasing transactions. The enhancement will NOT prevent users from doing any of the above.


  1. The functionality described above will not work with eConnect, any software that uses eConnect, or any software that directly writes to, updates, or deletes from SQL tables.
  2. The functionality described above is intended for the GP Desktop client.
  3. National Accounts functionality is NOT used.
  4. Advanced Distribution functionality is NOT used.
  5. Unless otherwise noted in this document, reporting is not included in this estimate.
  6. Unless otherwise noted in this document, Word Template functionality is not addressed.
  7. Unless otherwise noted in this document, the enhancement will not integrate with 3rd party products. Some examples of 3rd party products would be:
  • An ISV plug-in product including WilloWare products
  • A dexterity customization designed by another developer
  • Dynamics GP Modules including, but not limited to:
  • Project Accounting
  • MDA
  • Analytical Accounting
  • Copy functionality found in SOP, POP and Inventory
  • Extended Pricing

For Information on this customization, or any other WilloWare customization or product, please contact us:


CompleteCount 2022-03-30

Release Date: 30-MAR-2022
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
CompleteCount Build: 3.53
* Submit Stock Tags: addressed issue the in Lot Number Over Allocation routine that was incorrectly identifying the over-allocated lot number when multiple lots for an Item exist in one Bin.
* Excel Link: addressed issue that could leave a stranded background Excel process that locks an import file.

MO Generator 2022-02-09

Release Date: 9-FEB-2022
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MOGenerator Build: 3.106
* MOGen Core Utilities: (1) NEW-A custom “selection query” can be created to only pick certain records to process. For example, when running two processors each can have a query that pulls a different range of item numbers so there is no chance they can overlap. The query can also be used to allow an integration to “stage” records that are incomplete and have them processed only when certain criteria are met. (2) Addressed issue where the Reschedule MO utility, and MOGenV2 RescheduleMO with RebuildPicklist=false, would reschedule the MO and routing but not update the Required Date on the picklist lines with the new MO Start Date.

Customization DS1150 PO Release Utility

Customization DS1150

PO Release Utility

Problem Definition:

ACME uses Dynamics GP with Nolan’s Intercompany POP-SOP module. Currently they automatically create PO’s which then need to be manually printed, which Releases the PO and triggers Nolan’s POP-SOP to create a Sales Order.

ACME would like to eliminate the time-consuming process of manually printing/releasing PO’s. They would like an automated utility that Releases PO’s and triggers the Nolan software.

Solution Overview:

WilloWare will create a utility that can be run un-attended (using a GP client) that will automatically Release Purchase Orders.

PO Release Utility:

Navigation: Tools >> Utilities >> Purchasing >> PO Release Utility

The PO Release Utility directly “releases” a New Purchase Order without printing the PO.



Run Continuously

In this mode, the utility will keep running until the STOP button is clicked

Run For/Hours

Enter the number of Hours. In this mode, once START is clicked, the utility will run for the specified number of hours, then stop and close GP.

PO Selection Query

The PO Release Utility will use the PO Selection Query to identify the next PO to release. The Utility will be hard-coded to only select PO Status = NEW (POSTATUS=1), so the Selection Query provides additional restrictions.

The Selection Query is free-text entry box and should only contain PO Header fields (POP10100). No check will be performed to control this, but inclusion of other tables/fields will cause an error when START is clicked.

When multiple PO’s are returned by the query, the Utility will take them in order by DEX_ROW_ID. This ensures that the oldest are processed first. Also, the Utility will check the DEX_LOCK table and skip a PO if it is in use.

See this link for information about setting up Windows Scheduler to run GP and the PO Release Utility automatically:


NOTE: For the PO Release Utility to work correctly, Nolan must be configured to print the NC_IOP_Audit_Trail_Report to file.


  1. The functionality described above is intended for the GP Desktop client.
  2. Reporting is not included in this estimate.

For information on DS1150 or any other WilloWare customization or product, please contact us: