Dynamics GP and Tariffs

Keywords: Dynamics GP, tariff, surcharge

Date: 13-MAR-2025

This article discusses methods for handling the scenario where your vendors are subject to tariffs and are passing those costs on to you.  The specific method of passing on those costs, and what … more...

GP18.7 Updates Starting Today

Date: 28-OCT-2024

We are starting on the 18.7 updates to our software!  You will see new releases of everything over the next few weeks.  They will be released every few days in the following order:

  • GP PowerPack
  • MFG PowerPack
  • MO

Dynamics GP Support

Date: 28-OCT-2024

You have likely heard recently about one or more of the following:

  • GP Lifecycle
  • Dynamics GP Roadmap
  • Microsoft Support
  • Timelines
  • Or even the scary and completely wrong “end of life”.

If you own your license, GP will keep … more...

We still have clients using GP2010!

That is the headline because if you hear that “support is ending for GP” just consider for a moment that WilloWare still has businesses using GP2010, which is incredibly out of the support window.  It still runs, it supports their … more...

Run IV Reconcile 5x Faster

Date: 2-OCT-2024

Keywords: Reconcile Inventory Quantities, Speed

If you have a lot of Item Numbers and/or Location Codes it creates an enormous number of Item-Site combinations, all of which combine to give the Inventory Reconcile process a lot to do!  … more...

Mass Delete Old Sales Quotes

Keywords: SOP Quote, SOPTYPE = 1,  Mass Delete

If you have accumulated a large number of unused SOP Quotes in Dynamics GP it can be daunting to consider the best way to remove them.  A quick trick to accomplish this … more...

Multi-Product Production On-The-Fly


Keywords: multiple finished goods, multi-product production

WilloWare’s LeanMFG module supports multiple methods of manufacturing:

  • Regular discrete manufacturing where a list of raw materials (Inputs) is used to produce a finished good (Output).
  • Disassembly/reverse assembly where a single item (Input)

Simplify Payables

Select Checks Filters in GP PowerPack can dramatically reduce the amount of time required to create a PM Check Batch.

Create and save a query (aka a Filter) that identifies a group of invoices to pay, such as a list … more...

NetSuite C++ Hoax

If you see an email from NetSuite trying to scare you about C++ and security and Dynamics GP, please consider this:

GP is NOT a web-facing application.  If a hacker is hacking GP they are already inside your system.  If … more...

MFG Calendar Date Fix

The Manufacturing Calendar windows (Shop Calendar and Work Center Calendar) are funny.  Have you ever looked at the years available in the “years” dropdown list?

The list starts with 1925!  Great Plains (what is now Dynamics GP) was not even … more...

Dynamics GP Low Level Code Fix

The Low Level Code (LLC) utility in GP Manufacturing calculates the lowest level at which any component is found.

For example, CBA100 is at level 2 and CAP100 is at level 3.  Material Requirements Planning (MRP) uses this LLC so … more...

Manufacturing Scheduling Bug

We recently received a support case regarding the MO Scheduler utility in the MO Generator Suite.  The consultant reported that when attempting to reschedule an MO they received a SQL error:

Conversion failed when converting the varchar value ‘50.01’ to … more...

D365 Is Dead

It is hard to be alive if it never existed in the first place.  D365 does not exist.   D365 is a marketing umbrella term for two completely separate online ERP software packages provided by Microsoft.  The two separate ERP packages … more...

Prorate Setup Time

Keywords: Prorate Setup Time, Prorate Quantity, Standard Cost (FIFO/LIFO Periodic), Actual Cost (FIFO/LIFO Perpetual), Backflush


When Prorate Setup Time is marked and Setup Labor is backflushed, the MO Receipt applies an incorrect amount of Setup Cost to each piece.… more...

PSTL Combiner Duplicate Key Error

Keywords: PSTL, Professional Services Tool Library, Duplicate Key

When using PSTL Combiner (i.e. combining Items, Customers or Vendors), you can get a duplicate key error:

[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint ‘PK-tablename-‘. Cannot insert duplicate key … more...

Should I update GP?


There are tens of thousands of GP users poking around every nook and cranny of the software every day.  Every release contains not only new features, but bug fixes.  Even after decades of heavy use people are still able … more...

GP18.3+ Delete/Void Bug

DATE: 20-OCT-2022

Summary: Deleting partial Invoice corrupts originating Order on GP18.3+

In GP18.3 a change was made to how SOP deletes/voids a document.  It appears that the objective was to “rollback” the QTY Invoiced on the Originating Order when the … more...

Prevent DEX_ROW_ID Overflow

You may not have given this a thought, but every Dynamics GP database table has a DEX_ROW_ID column, and there is a maximum value for that field.  It is 2,147,483,647.  Just over 2 billion.

Every time you add a record … more...

Pricing & Downloads

We are excited to announce a couple of small changes to our website that we hope will improve you life!  Well…that might be overstating things a bit, but we hope the changes will help you do your job more efficiently, … more...

Trying Our Software

In additional to being fully functional in Fabrikam, all of our software is also fully functional, without registration keys, in <TEST> companies.  There are two benefits from this:

First, you can download and test our software using your live data … more...

Grant SQL All Objects

It is commonly thought that the grant.sql script (found in the GP Folder\SQL\Utils\) takes care of security at the SQL Server level by granting access to DYNGRP to all of the SQL objects used by Dynamics GP.

It doesn’t!

We … more...

New Help Buttons

As we roll-out new builds for GP2018, we are adding new Help functionality to all of our products across all currently supported GP versions  (at this time we are supporting GP2013 through GP2018).   There were four goals for the new … more...

WilloWare Community

One of our core objectives has always been to listen to you.  Sometimes we receive your suggestions through an email or a support case, or on a phone call. We also monitor blogs and Microsoft’s Connect site.

We keep our … more...

MORI WIP Transfers

We just released (3-OCT-2017) a new build of MOGenerator’s MO Receipt Integration (MORI) that now has support for WIP Inventory.  This new functionality provides the ability to record usage of raw materials as it happens.  There are two components of … more...

Dynamics GP HEAP Tables

You may have looked into a GP performance issue and dug around a bit and discovered that you have high fragmentation in a large number of table indexes.  After rebuilding indexes, a large number of indexes still have high fragmentation, … more...

The Anti-Spec

If you feel too constrained by the standard software spec, which describes only the functionality that will be present in the proposed software, we are proud to now offer our exclusive Anti-Specification Service. Our ASS will identify everything that will … more...

WilloWare in TEST

During July (2017) we will be rolling out new builds of all of our software.  This mid-year update addresses any open, low-priority issue reports, and adds a few helpful system features.  If you are receiving our “software release” updates, you … more...

Fun With Color Settings

Color Settings (in GP PowerPack), is (a) Awesome and (b) Free!  It provides the ability to for users to edit their own settings, and for admins to apply a company-wide setting.  With access to 26 user-interface elements, and 17 colors, … more...


Microsoft Dynamics GP Troubleshooting

Sometimes things go wrong.  Is it something you can resolve yourself, or do you need expert help?  Where do you start?  There are as many troubleshooting techniques as there are unique problems.  Here we provide some … more...

Scheduling MOGenerator


MOGenerator provides a number of useful Manufacturing integration utilities, such as the ability to create MOs, reschedule MOs, create child-MOs, and receive MOs.  Collectively these utilities will be referred to as MOGen in this post.

MOGen can be run … more...