V12.1.37 / 14.1.27 / 16.1.20 / 18.1.10 Changes 4-JAN-2019
* ExcelLink: (a) The Setup option “Require Starting Count Before Printing Tags” now applies to Exporting the count to Excel. If the option is NOT marked you will be able to … more...
Category: Release History
MOGenerator Release 2018-12-28
V12.1.87 / 14.1.62 / 16.1.40 / 18.1.7
* NEW: The Installer will now allow installing new builds on a client without requiring all users to be out of the system. Going forward, “running the install” inside GP will only be … more...
GP PowerPack Release 2018-12-20
V12.1.128 / 14.1.71 /16.1.39 / 18.1.11
* Eliminated use of a core dexterity function called Activity_GetBackgroundStatus because we found that when it was called to see if any processes were running in the background, it was also terminating all such … more...
MFG PowerPack Release 2018-12-05
V12.1.141 / 14.1.88 / 16.1.54 / 18.1.15
* Proposed Cost Update: addresses issue that prevented updating overhead values to $0 (#20185862)… more...
BlanketPO Release 2018-12-05
V12.1.34 / 14.1.23 / 16.1.9 / 18.1.2 Changes 5-DEC-2018
* Build for GP2018R2 compatibility
* Updated WW Internal Resources
* NEW: The Installer will now allow installing new builds on a client without requiring all users to be out of … more...
LeanMFG Release 2018-12-03
V12.1.36 / 14.1.25 / 16.1.15 / 18.1.7
* Disassembly: Changed how the disassembly routine calculates output quantities for the original raw materials. Previously it calculated a ratio of the Qty To Disassemble divided by the Original Qty To Build from … more...
GP PowerPack Release 2018-11-27
V12.1.127 / 14.1.70 /16.1.38 / 18.1.10 Changes 27-NOV-2018
* TWK-SOP: Trade Discount Calculation: Added SOP Additional Menu item to manually execute the calculation… more...
ETO Release 2018-11-6
V12.1.29 / 14.1.12 / 16.1.5 / 18.1.1
* First GP2018 Release
* Added Reference Designators
* All Mfg Estimate “child windows” are now in separate dexterity forms so that security can be set individually on each window.
* Sales Link: … more...
MFG PowerPack Release 2018-10-31
V12.1.140 / 14.1.87 / 16.1.53 / 18.1.14
* OSRC Add To PO: addressed WorkFlow error “Cannot insert duplicate key row into object dbo.WFI10002 with unique index AK2WFI10002”… more...
GP PowerPack Release 2018-10-26
V12.1.126 / 14.1.69 /16.1.37 / 18.1.9
* NEW! TWK-SOP: Trade Discount Calculation-auto-calculates the Trade Discount field in Sales Transaction Entry. Installation creates an empty SQL Stored Procedure which is used by this Tweak to calculate the discount. The proc can … more...
MFG PowerPack Release 2018-10-25
V12.1.139 / 14.1.86 / 16.1.52 / 18.1.13
* BOM Archive: Added a new option to enabled/disable requiring the Archive Name to be unique. The default behavior is (and has been) to require that the Archive BOM Name is unique across … more...
SpellCheck Release 2018-10-23
V12.1.23 / 14.1.14 / 16.1.11 / 18.1.3
* NEW: The Installer will now allow installing new builds on a client without requiring all users to be out of the system. Going forward, “running the install” inside GP will only be … more...
MFG Import Release 2018-10-11
V12.0.41 / 14.0.24 / 16.0.12 / 18.0.5
* Routing Import: (1) Addressed issue that caused Labor Code to import blank. (2) Addressed issue in Routing Header Primary flag that prevented unflagging an existing Primary when a new Primary is imported.… more...
Complete Count Release 2018-10-10
V12.1.36 / 14.1.26 / 16.1.19 / 18.1.9
* Mass Add/Update: added “Min. Items/Day” setting to control how many items are assigned to a count per day when the number of days per count is greater than the number of items … more...
LeanMFG Release 2018-10-08
V12.0.35 / 14.0.24 / 16.0.14 / 18.0.6
* MO Entry: addressed issue that could cause an “imbalanced transaction” at the GL under the following circumstances: (1) Multi-currency is not enabled, (2) Functional Currency Decimal Places (FCDP) is two, (3) Labor … more...
MOGenerator Release 2018-10-04
V12.0.86 / 14.0.61 / 16.0.39 / 18.0.6
* MOGen: Addressed issue that caused MOGen to skip Regular BOM subassemblies within a Phantom (#20184993)… more...
Complete Count Release 2018-09-27
V12.0.34 / 14.0.24 / 16.0.17 / 18.0.7
* Mass Add/Update: changed how the Set/Update Count Date utility works. It now has options to choose “work days”, and it will allocate groups of items to be counted on each work day … more...
GP PowerPack Release 2018-09-19
V12.0.125 / 14.0.68 /16.0.36 / 18.0.8
* TWK-SOP: Auto-Open Customer Detail: addressed issue that caused Customer Detail Entry information to not save if the user used the mouse to click into the Customer Number field on the Sales Transaction Entry … more...
MFG PowerPack Release 2018-09-19
V12.0.138 / 14.0.85 / 16.0.51 / 18.0.12
* Sales Forecast Integration: re-enabled ability to import a negative forecast so that Appending can be used to perform net change adjustments.
* Item Copy: added a change to the Item Master using … more...
Consulting Toolkit Release 2018-09-18
V12.0.23 / 14.0.17 / 16.0.13 / 18.0.5
* Virtual Triggers: (1) Rewrote VT trigger registration routine to make it more efficient with a large number of triggers, (2) Changed method of choosing databases so they can be marked (checkboxes) rather … more...
Complete Count Release 2018-08-29
V12.0.33 / 14.0.23 / 16.0.16 / 18.0.6
* Mass Add/Update: addressed issue that caused duplicate key error when adding items to a Stock Count with multi-bins when there were items with multiple quantity types (i.e. In Use/In Service) in the … more...
LeanMFG Release 2018-09-13
V12.0.34 / 14.0.23 / 16.0.13 / 18.0.5
* MO Entry: (1) Addressed issue that caused error “Cannot insert value NULL into column TRXQTYTL” after clicking the Build Picklist button when using a Multi-product BOM that has no input or output … more...
Consulting Toolkit Release 2018-09-07
V12.0.22 / 14.0.16 / 16.0.12 / 18.0.4 Changes
* Installation: addressed error caused by Virtual Triggers upgrade routine running during a new install.… more...
MOGenerator Release 2018-09-06
V12.0.85 / 14.0.60 / 16.0.38 / 18.0.5
* MOGen-Manual Entry: Addressed issue caused by previous build that caused the Manual Entry routine, and Import Items utility, to create an empty MO Header record in WO010032 and then abort (#20184993).… more...
Complete Count Release 2018-08-29
V12.0.32 / 14.0.22 / 16.0.15 / 18.0.5
* Stock Tag Submission: addressed issue that could cause a duplicate key error when moving Complete Count records to history tables. When this happens, the GP Stock Count updates correctly but the Stock … more...
Consulting Toolkit Release 2018-08-28
V12.0.21 / 14.0.15 / 16.0.11 / 18.0.3 Changes 28-AUG-2018
* Virtual Triggers: Added Scriptlet Import utility… more...
MFG PowerPack Release 2018-08-27
V12.0.137 / 14.0.84 / 16.0.50 / 18.0.11
* Serial/Lot Mass Generate: (1) Addressed issue that caused Global lot/serial mask to revert to the item’s mask when generating multiple lots. (2) Addressed issue that caused the Quantity per Lot Number to … more...
Preactor Integration Release 2018-08-23
V12.0.15 / 14.0.11 / 16.0.9 / 18.0.1
* First GP2018 Release
* Documentation: deployment of local CHM help, PDF help, and webhelp.… more...
GPPowerPack Release 2018-08-02
V12.0.124 / 14.0.67 /16.0.35 / 18.0.7
* TWK-SOP: Use Item’s Default Site: modified behavior so it sets the Site ID before leaving the Item Number field. Since SOP defaults the site on a new line to the Site ID from … more...
MOGenerator Release 2018-08-02
V12.0.84 / 14.0.59 / 16.0.37 / 18.0.4
* MORI: (1) MO Query-addressed issue that could cause the query to not save, (2) Override IV Doc Number with MO#-this new user preference setting on the MOGen window causes MORI to override … more...
GPPowerPack Release 2018-07-24
V12.0.123 / 14.0.66 /16.0.34 / 18.0.6
* TWK-SOP: Auto-Open Customer Detail: addressed issue that caused Customer Detail Entry to pop behind SOP Entry if user clicked on Customer Detail Entry with the mouse rather than using the keyboard (#20184512)
* … more...
MFG PowerPack Release 2018-07-23
V12.0.136 / 14.0.83 / 16.0.49 / 18.0.10
* Serial/Lot Mass Generate: addressed issue that caused the Next Lot Number to not increment to the last lot number when generating multiple lot numbers for a receipt.… more...
MOGenerator Release 2018-07-16
V12.0.83 / 14.0.58 / 16.0.36 / 18.0.3
* MORI: (1) Error Log- added button to “hide” errors. This changes records errors to a new status code so they are no longer displayed in the error log window. (2) Changed how … more...
Consulting Toolkit Release 2018-07-16
V12.0.20 / 14.0.14 / 16.0.10 / 18.0.2
* Virtual Triggers: (1) Added green/red dot in Lookup to indicate active/inactive, made window wider so entire Trigger ID can be viewed, (2) Increased size of Trigger ID and Trigger Desc fields.… more...
MFG PowerPack Release 2018-07-13
V12.0.135 / 14.0.82 / 16.0.48 / 18.0.9
* Item Copy: addressed issue that caused an Illegal address for field Start Intercompany ID error (#20184420)… more...
LabelLink Release 2018-07-12
V12.0.38 / 14.0.21 / 16.0.10 / 18.0.3
* Addressed issue that could prevent software from recognizing the registration key.… more...
LeanMFG Release 2018-07-10
V12.0.33 / 14.0.22 / 16.0.12 / 18.0.4
* Disassembly: addressed issue that prevented selecting a “split lot” for disassembly.… more...
MFG PowerPack Release 2018-07-09
V12.0.134 / 14.0.81 / 16.0.47 / 18.0.8
* Item Copy: addressed issue that prevented the Excel Import utility from creating new Items when the spreadsheet did not contain additional columns (E and beyond).
* Quick Disassembly: addressed issue that caused … more...
MFG Data Archive Release 2018-06-20
V12.0.24 / 14.0.15 / 16.0.10 / 18.0.1
* First GP2018 Release
* Added new tables to the archive. If an MO has already been archived using a prior build, the archive routine will “catch up” on the new tables the … more...
GPPowerPack Release 2018-06-19
V12.0.122 / 14.0.65 /16.0.33 / 18.0.5
* Extended Lot Attributes: addressed issue that caused ‘incorrect syntax error’ when creating of the lot attributes.… more...
LeanMFG Release 2018-06-13
V12.0.32 / 14.0.21 / 16.0.11 / 18.0.3
* Install/Upgrade: added checks for temp tables remaining from a prior upgrade to prevent an attempt to re-upgrade the tables (#20183874)
* MO Entry: addressed Illegal address for field ‘BuildPicklist’ in script ‘AbortForShortages’ … more...
Blanket PO Release 2018-06-06
V12.0.33 / 14.0.22 / 16.0.8 / 18.0.1
* First GP2018 Release
* Blanket POs can now be printed from the PO Inquiry Zoom window
* Updated WW Internal Resources
* New locally installed PDF documentation, and context sensitive CHM help… more...
LabelLink Release 2018-06-03
V12.0.37 / 14.0.20 / 16.0.9 / 18.0.2 Changes 3-JUN-2018
* Updated WW Internal Resources… more...
GP PowerPack Release 2018-05-29
V12.0.121 / 14.0.64 /16.0.32 / 18.0.4
* SOP Doc Print Options Defaults: addressed issue that caused field not found error is user quickly closed the Sales Print Options after it opened (#20181312)
* Extended Lot Attributes: (1) Addressed issued that … more...
MFG PowerPack Release 2018-05-29
V12.0.133 / 14.0.80 / 16.0.46 / 18.0.7
* Serial/Lot Mass Generate: integrated into GP PowerPack’s Extended Lot Attributes. If ELA is registered and enabled, the ELA Attribute Entry window will pop-open for each Lot Numbered generated.
* Quick Disassembly: changed … more...
SpellCheck Release 2018-05-10
V12.0.22 / 14.0.13 / 16.0.10 / 18.0.2
* Addressed issue that caused SpellCheck to close other open instances of Word (#20182401)… more...
GP PowerPack Release 2018-05-09
V12.0.120 / 14.0.63 /16.0.31 / 18.0.3
* idModifier: added new feature that allows adding user-defined ID Types so that idModifier can be used to change IDs from 3rd party products, or other previously undefined ID Types.… more...
MFG PowerPack Release 2018-04-18
V12.0.132 / 14.0.79 / 16.0.45 / 18.0.6
* Quick Disassembly: addressed duplicate key error when looking up an MO Number for disassembly (#20181122)… more...
CompleteCount Release 2018-04-13
V12.0.31 / 14.0.21 / 16.0.14 / 18.0.4
* Addressed issue in the Stock Tag Variance report that caused it to include all started Counts rather than only selected Counts (#20180765)
* Updated WW Internal Resources… more...
LeanMFG Release 2018-04-12
V12.0.31 / 14.0.20 / 16.0.10 / 18.0.2
* Addressed error “Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function” during installation when the Batch Header table has records with blank Batch Numbers (#20181010)… more...